Steemit 1 month charity events

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Once a month we will be throwing upvote charity events.

The posts will stay active for four weeks earning funds for the charity events the community decides on.

Funds we are starting with:

  • Current starting amount is 147.268 STEEM in SteemPower will be given to the charities.
  • We will be giving all our steampower that we earn on any of our post to the charities.

How charities will get the funds:

Were aware that half of what is earned will be in steem power and we will be giving that to charity, also it will just take two years to power down the amount that in power. So there will be updates weekly every time we cash out more it will stay into the account and always go to the next charity run so over time the amount going to charity will only get bigger.

The latest of our charity events an what we are about:

Some of the projects we have been involved with is providing vpn's to countries where strict internet censorship is in place. We also helped raise money for charity while live streaming 24/7 for well over 2500+ hours.

Our proof/ introduction post of who we are:

The first event can be found here the event is currently for Doctors with out borders:

If you have any charities in mind for the next event do let us know.


If anyone has any charity in mind please post them below here as a reply.

I've always been a big supporter of the The Make a Wish foundation.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation ( are a big one for me. I donated $20 to them just a few weeks back, and may make a rather large donation myself when the SBD price recovers.

I love this idea. I've organized many charity events in my home town and would suggest that you should target smaller 'on the ground' organizations vs giving to some huge international group where most of your donation will be absorbed prior to getting in the hands of the needy. I usually target local food banks or homeless assistance groups - as their need is immediate and even a little bit donated can be a big help. Thank you for doing this and making Steemit a very 'give back to the community' minded place. Cheers!

Oh we will for sure look into it, we just choose something international with a very good track record.

This is a fantastic initiative

Well hopefully it will lead to bigger things.

Post update were currently in need of more charity ideas.