Thank you! :D I took my time making them and was a bit reluctant at the beginning, but as I recommended some people to use them, I noticed they didn't know how sometimes, so I felt encouraged to share them properly. That way people will have more variety than just one or two of my rulers and they'll know how to put them in their posts.
I'm glad to have your support. <3
Great job, nice to see your effort for the community... I have similar artwork to your rullers styles so i like them very much! Keep up the good work! (If you don't mind i would like to use them on my next post, taging you along so we all get some benefits) ;)))
Yay! It's alright to use them, of course! And I don't need attribution. But if you're willing, then I'm also willing to get some promotion. :3 Thank you for your compliments. I'll try and check out your content!
You are welcome and of course you will get credits for it! It was your effort providing them! In fact, you just did :) You can check them out in my last post! Cheers!
I'll use some and give you credit!!! I love that you put color in them...I want to color some! lol you should make a dtube tutorial or something. Except maybe not, some people said dtube was bad and dlive is better