Dear Diary: I Might Be Feeling the Effects Of My Parathyroid Medicine

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


It is around my fourth day of receiving my medicine in my system and I am quite sure the effects are playing part in the restoration of my lost strength which left my body for many gradual years. It is also quite a weird thing how my strength diminished over the course of the years. At first my capacity to carry around things, then my ability to get up from many positions, then the same but with stiffness, then the same again but with pain and the feeling that my body is a dead weight for myself to carry.

Little that I knew that there lies my little gland that already is transforming my body from a beautiful butterfly to flightless and fangless gorgoyle that you are seeing today. But my economic condition also played a role for my health as I cannot support myself with my extra medications and even my vitamins I cannot procure for myself and just tried to prioritize my dialysis for my survival.

My body kept on while my peers come and go which is sometimes my reason not to get friends with them because of course I would get depressed and miss them if they were the first to die. Better not to get an established friendship that I know might not last, physically that is. I tried to learn how to make myself feel better by learning the effects of many things for my health in dialysis and tried to assert, compensate, aid, supplement, and patch myself so that I could go on and reach that extra day of my life.


This medicine has a strong distinct smell, an indication of its potency perhaps

I am also trying to get myself on a strict diet. A phosphorus binder might be a good thing to take but I can't seem to find it in local drugstores here as if patients here doesn't have the same biological system like in the other countries and it is enraging me. But for now I will be observing this weird strength recovery that I am feeling and I can just notice it.

I hope in just couple of weeks or months there will be a dramatic improvement in my health. Although I know that #steemit can never support me to turn me again into a beautiful butterfly, I am just for now ok with regaining my strength back and wiping away my tears from pain.


Praying for your fast recovery. 😊

Thank you for your prayers @athenabree08
God Bless you.

Wow! This is positive news and it's only been four days. I'm confident this is just the beginning of all the improvements you will feel.
What's the deal with the binders?

I can't find Lanthanum @lizzyib
I am afraid of Calcium though, I had a bad experience with it a few times in the toilet :/

I think maybe because you weren't taking the calcium as soon as you ate, it might have been bad.
You can always buy an inexpensive small bottle of tums and just try it again? Just be sure to take it the second before you eat.
The Lanthanum you may need a prescription for...hmmm

OK I'll try Calcium carbonate again @lizzyib
Thank you for your inputs.

Its what mattera inside not the physical thing.

Thank you @jon24jon24 for your encouragement and support.
God Bless you.

Paying for you fats recovery. thanks for sharing

adelante .. sigue adelante... ten por seguro que tu tienes un gran propósito en este mundo.. y que das esperanza a muchas personas por medio de tus publicaciones... ten la seguridad de que no solo te estas ayudando a ti misma sino a otras personas a no rendirse frente a la adversidad, y afrontar las situaciones con valentia. Saludos y abrazos.

go ahead ... go ahead ... be sure that you have a great purpose in this world ... and that you give hope to many people through your publications ... be assured that not only are you helping yourself but other people not to surrender in the face of adversity, and to face situations with courage. Greetings and hugs. @tecnovida

Thank you for your encouragement @tecnovida I appreciate it very much.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

- Mahatma Gandhi