The Steemit Spotlight, exists to highlight the efforts of new and undervalued writers, who are creating good content; with a view to getting them noticed by the Steem community at large. We want these writers to get the recognition they deserve!

So the last couple of weeks have been lively on Steemit, we have survived a couple of hacks, had to suspend user sign ups and beef up security. Now however, signups have resumed, our security is beefed up and slowly but surely, everyone who was hacked is being reconnected with Steemit and reimbursed.
As someone who believes in this site, I believe in finding writers who are producing great content without the accompanying votes. Or rising stars who I see promise in, these rising stars are sometimes even more enjoyable than the established writers, because you feel like you're at the start of a journey with them.
One of the changes you may be aware of, are the payouts on posts have now been adjusted to 12 hours and then 30 days. This means two things, if you miss a post, you can still vote on it, giving you a reward and most importantly, it encourage and rewards the lesser known writers.
So without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to
The Rising Stars Of Steemit
The Newbies
William has been on Steemit for just 6 days now, and already I am seeing a progression in his writing that marks him as a rising star.
His last 2 of his last 3 posts; I for one welcome our new robot overlords! and Mud, Blood & Glory! are excellent reads, my favourite being Mud, Blood & Glory!
William admitted in his first post that he first heard of Steemit a couple of weeks before he joined, then seeing Steem on the Poloniex exchange finally got him over here. He has taken to Steemit with pure enthusiasm and that enthusiasm should stand him in good stead for the future.
If his latest post (at the time of writing) How to make your blog the next trending topic! is anything to go by, then William isn't going to give up anytime soon!
If he keeps up the kind of quality he's been producing of late, he has every chance to get recognised by the Steemit Whales as someone to follow.
Blog Style: Quirky; Storyteller, Analytical.
Favourite Article: Mud, Blood & Glory!
Most Recent Post: ANNOUNCE: - STEEMBOTS.COM Your Source For Everything Bot Related! - NOW HIRING
I love this Steemer's enthusiasm, he is a zany guy from Bucharest who has the energy of a puppy and at times his writing can be all over the place as he throws ideas down onto the page, like he's rings at the fairground. However there is a progression in his writing.
Raz has clearly been paying attention to his style, his blog his an eclectic mix of stories and analysis, I like his storytelling style and admire someone who can get his point across in their non-native language.
I'd like to see more storytelling, as I think his zany style suits that medium. That being said, his fun approach to Steemit, makes for entertaining reading.
I think if he starts to deliver some more 1500-2500 word articles, and keeps developing his style, I think he will start attracting more and more attention. However long his articles are, they are entertaining, you will enjoy watching this Steemian develop. His enthusiasm is infectious, he has grown on me and I hope he will on you too!
Blog Style: Zany, Eclectic, Introspective
Favourite Article: You are Not AHAB. Stop Chasing WHALES! A call for good content.
Most Insightful Article: The Eightfold Path to Steemit Enlightenment
Cryptocreative is a personal friend of mine and Steemit's first official motion graphics artist on the site, he brings with him tons of experience in the advertising industry.
As his first post for Steemit, he produced a killer stinger video for Steemit and he is keen to add as much value as he can to our platform. And he has already come up with the slogan:
I am Value.
You are Value.
Be Value.
The value that cryptocreative wants to bring to Steemit, will be by way of introducing the professional motion graphics industry onto the Platform. By doing that, he will also attract a lot of agencies, who are interested in hiring motion graphics professionals.
All of the work on cryptocreative's blog is either original or bought and paid for on license, unlike many Steemians, his first post actually cost him money. He hasn't let that dull his enthusiasm though, and is raring to go and has dived into the Steemit community, with a pumped attitude and fresh ideas.
Blog Style: Creative, Insightful, Professional Motion Graphics, Storytelling.
Favourite Post: My Scotland Trip: Why My Time-lapse Is Like A Blockchain
Highest Grossing Post: Steemit City - An Animation Inspired By Value: Driven By Steem
I am really excited about this new user, she (he?) has an infectious sense of wonder and has already produced 3 posts which I've voted on. Like all new Steem blogs, this one will probably experiment with a few different types of posts in hope of finding a profitable niche.
I'm hoping that @bigsambucca will keep up the kind of observational post that I really enjoy, finding amazing photography and cinematograpy, also she likes to pull odd facts from the net and present them in a fun, easy to digest way.
I have high hopes for bigsambucca and I'd like to see an introduce yourself post, so we can get to know him a bit more.
Blog Style: Eclectic, Inquisitive
Favourite Post: Square Watermelon for sale for US$300...No, its not GMO...Want to know how to make one? Follow 5 Simple Steps
Most Eye-Capturing Post: EPIC - 10K Timelaps of Rio - 10328 x 7760 - Put it on full-screen and enjoy
Jacor has been on Steemit for just 2 weeks and is finding his feet, he has leaped into the community with gusto and enthusiasm, and in his own words sees Steemit as "like the ultimate treasure hunt".
As always Jacor is experimenting and trying to find his feet, and I feel he may just be finding them. He has a good analytical style, and his post about the Steemit dolphins was very entertaining and insightful.
From reading so far, it would seem cryptocurrency and animal welfare are two topics big on his list, but lets see where he goes from here.
Blog Style: Upbeat, Punchy, Analytical
Favourite Post: Steemit will soon be the the Dolphins playground - Trends
Introduction Post: Wow - What an amazing experience - Thanks you STEEMIT and all the writers
I am lucky enough to know beanhead away from Steemit, and even though I didn't introduce him to our great community, I am delighted to have him here.
His writing style is a perfect reflection of his character, and if you want to know what he's like, simply read a couple of his posts and you will get it immediately. Beanhead's optimism and general outlook on life, has an infectious quality and it is hard not to join him in his enthusiasm.
He writes; as he speaks, his words are delivered in poetic riddles, that entice and delight, before revealing their true meaning. Beanhead is a modern philosopher, poet, comedian and I know that he will entertain you for many moons to come.
Blog Style: Avant Garde, Pop, Psychology, Psychedelic, Funny
Introduction Post: Hi I'm Seton - Pleased To Be Here In These Changing Times
I have seen enough in this next Steemian's writing to tell me that there is a lot of potential there, and that jholdsworthy is a future Steemit star.
He has a refreshing outlook, and it pains me that his posts haven't had more responses and higher payouts. You get the feeling from reading jholdsworthy's articles, that he is definitely a, glass-half-full, kind of person. I believe he will bring value to the platform not just through his enthusiasm, but his ideas as well.
I will be watching jholdsworthy very closely and so should you, because if he hones his style and starts to deliver consistent 1500 word articles, he'll attract the attention of the Whale-bots who are hungry for content producers who can deliver one quality article after another.
Blog Style: Cryptocurrency, Analytical, Innovative
Highest Grossing Article: Why SteemCash would be a much better currency than SBD(SteemDollars)
Favourite Post: Ever felt like this?
Ecto joined Steemit around a month ago, yet hasn't posted as much as you might have thought, he has; by his own admission, been a bit frustrated with Steemit at times.
In fact it was when Ecto left a funny, sarcastic reply to my article: Antidote To The Steemit Complain Game - Lessons In Winning From A Five Year Old, that he brought himself to my attention.
If someone leaves an interesting reply on one of my articles, then I do try and go and read at least one article on their blog, and so I went to check out Ecto.
What I found was a sensitive writer, who has the potential to really go far on Steemit, and I hope he does, he comes across as inteligent, with a burning fire within him. His article, Why I'm angry: A story of how I became what I am today, really touched me, so much so that I had to send him a gift, I hope you all will go and read that and more and show Ecto some love.
(P.S. Sarcasm is not usually the way to get my attention!)
Blog Style: Informative, Passionate
Favourite Post: Why I'm angry: A story of how I became what I am today.
Most Artistic Post: Some stuff I made out of paper.
Albertogm, is a writer that excites me, he has already given me a glimpse into what it's like for a foreigner in Brasil and given me a glimpse into the unseen world of the favella. And he has also given me a taste of what it's like to live in his home country of Venezuela.
The progression in Alberto's writing is there for all to see, and even though his English isn't perfect, it definitely does not get in the way of his excellent story telling technique. Alberto is a writer that I desperately want to do well on Steemit, purely for selfish reasons; I want to read more of him!
Alberto has tried some reporting and political commentary, but it is his storytelling that is the real superstar here, and I hope he gives us more.
Blog Style: Political Commentary, Reporting, Storytelling
Favourite Post: My Story Meeting A Drug Lord In Brazil
Most Insightful Post: What happens when the World says you live in a Dictatorship?
Foreign Language
Asim is another non-English speaker, from Japan, and as such has already attracted some Japanese people onto Steemit. One of his Japanese language posts, has quite a few replies, therefore Asim is playing a very important part in the Steem revolution and I feel should be rewarded.
His visual posts will be his strength, as the translation program he has used for one of his posts does not seem to work so well with Japanese. That being said, he has a good eye for photography and appears to be a keen gardener, so will have plenty of material to show.
Also in order to best promote Steemit to the non English speaking world, it is a good idea (once you're sure of the validity of the post) to vote up foreign language posts. This will get them good visibility, which means that the original poster will feel encouraged and any of their fellow countrymen and women will feel welcome.
So please go and show the Japanese Steem chapter some love and throw some upvotes Asim's way!
Favourite Post: My hobby is the home garden
Most Informative Post: BittrexでSTEEMを買ってsteemitのSTEEM POWERを増やす方法
Gie is from Indonesia, and at times I suspect uses a translation program to help him write his posts, as I've said I have massage respect for people trying to post here in their non-native language and I'd love for the Steem community to support Steemians like Gie.
Diversity in nature is the key to strength and resilience, so to here on Steemit, we need a broad spectrum of posters. Luckily for Gie, he communicates a lot through photography and has already shown a nice collection.
Unfortunately Steemit has experienced quite a few false accounts being set up and a lot of them came from Indonesia, which would be a really unjust reason for genuine accounts from this beautiful country to be ignored.
Gie has verified his account, both on Steemit and on Facebook, he is yet to break the $50 mark with any of his posts, so it would be nice to give him encouragement to carry on posting.
Favourite Post: LEGENDS OF MOUNT BROMO (Indonesia)
Account Verification: Account verification, my name is Gie
Special Steem Mentions
Where do I start with venuspcs!? I feel I have to use exclamation marks (!) because that's how his blog often makes me feel after reading it.
High octane, high energy, doesn't really come close to describing venuspcs's style, his words explode from the page, performing a full frontal assault through the retinas and directly into the core of your brain. He doesn't tell you a story, he imbibes you with its essence.
I find it very hard to believe, that anybody who reads venuspcs's posts, will feel apathetic towards them, you may hate them, or more likely love them, but you definitely won't be shrugging your shoulders and saying "meh".
Venuspcs, reminds me of Big Dan, in the Cohen Brothers' film Oh Brother Where Art Thou, the film is an allegory for the Greek classic, Homer's Odysee, and quite fittingly, venuspcs is a truck driver, on his personal journey and Steem is the siren that has called him to our shores.
Go now, go and witness this wonderfully, quirky, odd, and lovable man.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die...
Favourite Post: The Truck Driver Stuck in a Different Time - How I wound up living 54 years in the future!
Andarchy is a smart cookie, who has already been adding value to Steemit, he trains regularly at a gym called Evolution Muay Thai, which allow him to follow his passion of MMA and Thai Boxing.
You can see from Andarchy's style that he's a competent blogger and understands about giving value in his posts, therefore he has had some good success with his articles. There is definitely more to come from Andarchy and following him could prove very profitable, as he is bound to get on some Whale lists pretty soon.
You will get a lot from this blog, Andarchy has a wide range of interests, and the scent of his philosophies and sensibilities, can be felt throughout his work.
Andarchy has a never-say-die, attitude and has a quiet energy about him, that draws you in, and makes you want to listen to what he has to say.
Since discovering him, I check in most days to see what he has been up to, and I haven't been disappointed, he is a writer that will always give you quality, which means that you are going to be well rewarded by voting for him, and most of all, you'll be entertained.
Blog Style: Analytical, Philosophical, Video Blogs
Favourite Post: How To Become a Champion: Conor McGregor
Introduction Video Post: Meet a Steemian: An Interview of Me @andarchy
If you know someone who should be in the Steemit Spotlight, then leave a comment and a link below and we will review.
@donkeypong is on holiday this week, getting over having his account hacked; but we're glad to have him back and we'll see him next week.
Take care,
Oh WOW! thank you for that...i'm...overwhelmed. Seriously, wow.
A honor to be mentioned on this list....
And because we, writers, tend to be biased, I must admit I think the best thing story-wise that I wrote so far is this:
No worries man, you thoroughly deserve it, your writing is amazing and you're getting better :-)
I have to say, that link is quality, I've upvoted and yes, it may well be your best work so far...
Nice bro, I love it that you actually read and pay attention to sooo many posts... I am checking out some of the writers you recommended right now and I am happy that you took noticed of @albertogm, a personal friend of mine whom I introduced to steemit a while back.. Keep it up bro!
Nice one Chitty, yes Alberto was on your recomendation when you commented on the last Spotlight, he's a good addition to Steemit, well done! :-)
This post is an interesting example of a key reason that I am becoming obsessed with the Steemit platform. If technology is going to 'bring in' the 'bottom three billion' (as stated by Peter Diamandis), teaching the newcomers how to bring their value to the market is important. A friendly market; That welcomes newcomers, rewards teachers, motivators, and mentors, and is a generally positive environment to grow in - may be redefining what community means in this digital age.
Forgive me terribly 'wordy' comments. They come from an idea I'm trying to make more concise.
You're right, steemit has created an environment where helping is possible, if you do it well, you will be rewarded, as will the people you help.
Voila! :-)
I've loved @andrarchy 's stuff since I joined Steemit! His Tesla = Steemit post made me realize the potential of this platform even more!
Hoping to one day be one of the comment-stars ;) (620 comments in 2 weeks and counting) :)
Nice one Acidyo, that's good thinking, posting isn't for everyone, but a good comment can really enhance the value of a post.
Thanks Cg! I never usually post much, but I always liked commenting more! My reddit account can prove it: :)
How I wish I could turn reddit karma into steem power. :D
:-) You will, you will :-)
Do 1 cent upvotes give a reward at all?:P
Excellent list of authors! Great work compiling this list! :) I've been reading some of their work and it's great!
This is such a great idea to help up and coming steemers to get noticed. My housemate @trixiekiddo makes jewlery and has just uploaded a post showing off a Steemit themed medallion that she made this week.
And ofcoarse I'd love to have some of my work reviewed by you guy's at some point. I'm currently working on a series that'll be called 'for the love of music', to which I intend on covering the many aspects of the music industry In a lot of detail. also beatboxing :)

You guys deserve every penny that you get for this series as it's quite a selfless act.
Excellent! You had me at beatbox :-)
We will definitely review and keep you informed.
so glad i saw this comment i forgot to follow her the other day and couldn't remember her user name.
glad I could help :)
Nice, glad to be the conduit to reintroduce you guys!! :-)
This is insightful to find a bunch of articles to get me started reading outside of the trending area - I was wondering if you had any other general tips to get views on my article. I just joined and expect to post often if not daily, but it seems my articles get swallowed in a tidal wave of postings right as they go up. Any advice?
A. Z.ealous (and) A.spiring S.teemian
Hi Azas,
Just keep following the tips, check my blog I have some good tips, so does @inboundinken and @cryptoctopus and @donkeypong.
Keep the presentation, the title and the first line of the blog in the uppermost in your mind; they are your calling cards.
Keep engaging, like you are now on a wide variety of blogs and people will click on you, try and post between 12 pm and 6 pm EST,
And most of all, don't give up! :-D
Thanks @cryptogee! I'm honored.
Haha, no problem! Keep the faith and keep Steemin! :-D
This is a great initiative! Really helps minnows get noticed - those whose posts are otherwise hitting the void without getting a chance to be seen. I hope there will be more editions of this and hope to make it on the list someday. :)
Thanks, that's the idea, hopefully the follow and grouping functions will come on line soon, and that will help a hell of a lot :-)
I'm sure a following feed is on the way - bet it comes within the next month.
Meanwhile, you can follow people on That's what I do! Under Activity feed it shows all posts from steemers you follow.
Other solutions are and the Steemit Notification Chrome extension.
We'll have to wait a bit for the grouping functions though.
Nice info liberoist! I have been trying to remember what those sites are; they were in my "check out later pile" but I never got round to it
Wow, this is great. Thank you for curating all this content and highlighting more authors. It's fun to see some names I recognize and others I've completely missed. There's so much great writing now, it's an interesting feeling for me to be caught somewhere in the middle between developer and writer. I'm thoroughly enjoying the ride either way. :)
Haha! That's a good place to be, it means you can add value to the back and the frontend :-)
The Articles can now be evaluated for 30 days is definitely a step in the right direction. I hope that you can in the near future call the products of the persecuted. Thank you for this great contribution.
The comparison with a treasure hunt of Jacor I find very appropriate. :)
Agreed but like many others, think we need a way to measure content in years....
Great post! It's nice to see some new writers getting well deserved credit!
hi hope this isn't to late of a reply on your post but I do something very similar . This is the first time i have come across your amazing post and idea. I am awed at what I see and I am so glad that I'm not the only one doing it. Here's a link to one of my previous gem picks hope you have a look at it
So proud of this community. Look at that list!
Guys, you'd better make some room. I'm coming to join you. :)
I'm waiting and I followed you :) good luck!
Woohoo! :D
Someone's been doing their homework! Thanks!!
No problem, and welcome to Steemit!
Thanks for shedding some light on the little guys. It's great to see such a sense of community developing on Steemit! Hopefully camaraderie will prevail over competition in the long run if we continue to share the spotlight in this way!
@cryptogee very very nice!
This is awesome.
There is not enough incentive for Steemians to build reputation and create high quality content. So much great material is slipping through the cracks. Initiatives like this, really will make a difference.
so nice of you to do this. many of us writers believe that it is very difficult as a writer to get discovered and you doing this will help them immensely. I hope someday I can be on that list too! Cheers :)
@Craigrant does a pretty nice job at explaining through his videos also
Honored and humbled. Thanks so much for the kind words and the inspiration I get from your content which is absolutely top notch.
This is inspiring and exactly why I am here! Thank you so much for your time in posting this. :) I am not a writer and had no intention of being one, but I wrote my first real story today because of Steemit. It felt great! I'd love to see what you think, if it's worthwhile to keep going or if I should stick to communicating to people in more mathematical terms! Here's my story and thanks again:
Id like to nominate merej99 her recent article about learning to smile was well written and shines a light on something those of us without autism take for granted. i
Thank you @phoenixmaid, we will review :-)
Awesome. Thank you very much for noticing and the mention in the great post! Totally honoured!
You are most welcome! :-)
Man I like your post! Maybe next time you can do the top author in each category or the powerful whale list. I think it interesting. Good luck!
Thanks and thanks for the suggestion, we are looking to examine categories in the near future :-)
Hey, you forgot to mention my name or did you mentioned it? I'm really confused. Your post is spectacular man; I like it ,love it and upvoted it.
Share the love, it's coming for you like a contagious virus that will leave you blogging untill the darkest hours of the night.
@cryptogee - brilliant idea posting these. Unexpected public acknowledgements like this do a great deal for the authors and inspire them to keep forging ahead. Great stuff!
I hope so, and I hope it gives others hope to keep plugging away, keep giving value, by pumping out good content and your time will come.
Love this list. I've had personal interactions with most of the dudes on the list, and I can honestly say you have a top-notch crew on here. Looking forward to future lists of people to look out for- you've nailed it.
Cool to shout out about these folks, best wishes to them all going full steem ahead. :-)
Thanks for giving us hope. I wish I was on the list.
I'm so glad to see another excellent list of contributors to steemit!
I have seen a few of these cool people, but many are new to me. I have become a reader / upvoter /occasional commenter rather than a writer myself -- so I am happy to find more community members to read and upvote!
Thanks for this, Cryptogee!
Wow, so many great people here. I would love to be in one of these to get better noticed. I created some good articles imo that have not gotten high up. Please read them and tell me what you think.
Thanks Cryptogee! I'm glad you liked what I wrote and I you like what I write in the future.
This is wonderful @cryptogee really helps those of us putting in work. What a saint.
nice article bro

And mine.
Congratulations guys!
wow, how do we keep up with the world.
Next personal goal: be in an other edition of this list!
Thank you for your consideration and this amazing chance for aspiring writers to become known!I hope that commenting four days after this is posted is not too late - but i believe that @azas deserves a writing spotlight. He is a new member of this website but his writing is already turning heads. Not only is his content entertaining to read, but it is meaningful and possesses more thought than a good majority of articles on this website. This is the link to his blog:
WOW @cryptogee - what an amazing amount of work and quite a bit of selflessness to share some insight into these new folks. I've bookmarked this so I can take the time to read and follow them all. Have a great week! :)
Thanks man :-)