ut this to the same 20 person test you describe above. Ask someone "are you on facebook?" then ask them "have you ever been censored by facebook" . I think youll get 20 yesses to the first question and probably 18 or 19 noes to the second question.
That's a matter for debate and conjecture, who knows?
Steemit has a payment system that could make it easier for people to transfer money internationally.
Not serious people. At least not yet, though i believe there is a great deal of potential in this regard. Thats what I do for a living, and its also the main reason im here.
Erm, I do believe you contradicted yourself in less than a sentence; unless you're saying you're not a serious person, even though you do it for a living?
I don't use it for that. Or reccomend it to my clients. I believe it has the potential to be a useful financial tool (and its that potential that brought me here and has kept me here), and i am watching it to see if it realizes its potential. But right now, that's all i see there financially. Potential.
I think @sigmajin means that for a normal business person trying to transfder funds to another company, as part of a business transaction, Steem is not a serious way to transfer money.
But he is serious about trying to make plentiful money on Steemit, and using Steem. At least that'd be my take on it.