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RE: The Greatest Trick Steemit Ever Pulled Was Convincing The World It Didn't Exist

in #steemit8 years ago

We can afford to get things right before triggering a massive marketing campaign. There are many things we can do in the interim to prepare the community to support that future effort though.

The head of Nokia said something similar about smartphones just before they went bust.



I imagine Steve jobs said something similar at Apple before the iPod launched them into the stratosphere.

Nope, Jobs simply launched the ipod and marketed the shit out of it; warts and all. Funnily enough Apple still do that today, long after the great man has departed. Think about it; if you're an Apple user, you know what I'm talking about.

I'm fairly sure 2 out of their last 3 phones got massive recalls; remember the laptop that gave you 3rd degree burns if you used it on your lap? Or what about the phone that didn't make calls if you held the metal bit around the edge?

However they still had queues round the block, from sheep wanting the latest of their unfinished, untested products. Why?

Because marketing.

