The virtuous cycle of upvoting your comment section...

in #steemit7 years ago


What if tomorrow, STEEM was at 10$?

Keep that in mind as I am talking about the power of upvoting the comment section of your blog...

As a blogger on steemit, your number one asset is your followers and the people who engage with your content. This is why I make a point of upvoting good comments. As I mentioned in my previous post, some smartass started front-runing my upvotes on my comment section for a profit (and therefore making extra reward...which is awesome).

Now, I want to draw your attention to how much a simple $1 upvote on your comment can actually be worth to you.

Imagine if you only accumulated the rewards in SteemPower during that time

I have absolutely no doubt, with how things are going, to see STEEM get to $10 per unit. It could take a year or two but it's bound to happen.

That means that every $1 made during that time would actually be worth $10.

Since I try to write 5 times a week, that $5 a week would actually now be worth $50... only to have commented on my posts during that time.

What's in it for me?

For those who leave a thoughtful comment that adds to the discussion, I am more than happy to upvote for $1, $2 or even $3. It makes sense for me to make an incentive for good conversations to happen.

But in the future, what will it mean for me as a blogger?

Once STEEM is at $10, YOUR voting power would have multiplied by 10X! That means that someone with 1000 STEAM POWER will be able to reward $1 per vote when they are at 100% voting power.


Okay, let's break this down:

If STEEM is at 10$

  • The value of the rewards you have received from commenting would be worth 10X more
  • My 5% upvote then will be worth 10$. (I would love to upvote $10 on good comments)
  • Anyone with 1000 SP will be able to upvote a post at 100% and give a reward of $1.
  • Someone in a poor country could live off the money made by commenting on my blog

Isn't it crazy to think about that?

There are 5 pages

That is a brilliant message that we need to pass accross, there is selfish comment voting and there is useful and real comment voting.

The later needs to be encouraged

As discussion is key for the social part of this network to grow and thrive

I agree. And the beautiful thing is that steem to 10$ is conservative. With the release of smart media token I see steem going way higher in a few years.
Remember that steem was valued at 4$ more than a year ago... which means that it could go way higher.

Maybe the $4 would be the first sell of, in this graph?

One thing I'm realizing so far, the cryptocurrencies aren't obeying any market laws.

We are making the market laws...
When the BTC bag is full, whales entice us to move deeper inside, smart new comers can help play the game by surfing the pump wave, this is normal as is needed so increase the stake and build the don't panic wall!

I have been looking at it and the bubble is not being bursted, it is just moving, slowly deflating, the scammer might be having fun, but you can see the way the market moves, that some whales beleive in the future and the adopters and beleivers just need to follow their path to help create equiality and wealth...

Usually the ones trying to convert this into Wall Street 2.0 either get big bags of $$ and go away or fall to the good whales, it is the financial battle of good vs evil!

I consider my duty as new comer to trust there are others like you and me that are convinced this is the future, we shall become another wave of whales this time to join ranks with the ones doing the pumps and easing the dumps so the whealth is distributed and then go and build that money wall of trust because crypto just went LIVE man for the humanity we are te gateway and steemit has a really important role!

I have learnt and understood so much this last few days... either that or o got really scammed... in a few months time i will be able to tell!

For now i trust and beleive, and as soon as i'm strong enough I will take part into building that wall, because it is our chance to show things can be done in an ethical way!

I 100% agree with this, and it sucks because I came here originally because i believed in it but then my first year fell for the wall street 2.0 trap

That's right. And I think that we are all encouraged to post and comment high quality content. This will make Steemit a growing and interesting community and STEEM value will raise. While doing spam could only affect it.

I also believe it could go way up. But it would have to be a big change in order to see the prices rise a significant amount. I think Steem is a long term project that has built a great foundation and actually has something behind it. It is definitely unique from most other coins and tokens

we gonna be rich just commenting on steemit and millionaires if we post ☺

Considering how many people in the world just spend their time minding other's business, I see a huge market for commenting jobs haha!

you are right. nice comment. well done. Comment and upvote is a part of steemit.

Haha, if Steem rises very high we might. There are also some people here on this platform that make very decent amount of money by commenting, so don't underestimate the power of comments ;)

I completely agree


The tough part in regards to Steemit from the perspective of a new author is gaining exposure while wading through the shit pond of garbage posts in order to gain a following. There are so many junk articles out there it can be off putting to find your solid effort in writing an engaging and detailed post swallowed by a sea of bullshit articles consisting of regurgitated links and unoriginal thought that are for all intents and purposes spam.

I find it particularly frustrating when the aforementioned bullshit articles are nothing more than an aggregation of links copied and pasted from various sources such as Google news on a topic. It reminds me of Magpie, the old content aggregation code that we would use to vomit key word relevant articles into a feed on a site in order to move of the SERP and game the Adsense system.


This unfortunately creates a situation where talented authors or those that have the requisite grey matter between their ears to write solid content must debase their character and engage in link spamming comments or whale posts in the hopes of getting some love.

I’m not quite sure what the solution to this issue is. Perhaps a category of up and coming should be created where new authors are featured based upon a ratio of positive feedback relative to posts; though even that would not work as it again fails to address the issue of initial exposure in order to gain the needed positive feedback. Perhaps a metric needs to be applied to number of words vs. links, or number of words total. Longer more engaging articles would receive a multiplier based on the likelihood of them containing good content. Whereas posts of aggregated links would receive a penalty as they likely contain nothing of substance.

This may even address what I as a new user have come to see as “lazy whale syndrome”.. I’m a whale, I made it.. I’m just going to post articles full of links with the mentality that the legion of dung beetles following me will upvote in the hopes of gaining curation manna the turd I just produced.

I’m not sure what the actual solution is so I’ll just keep lurking in the shadows ambushing whale articles with link spam until I’m all grown up and can venture out on my own.

Well i am sure that once everyone is commenting more than "vote you / you vote me" and once most whale-ish authors start doing as @cryptoctopus does and vote comments that are worth it.

New comer bloggers will see a source of rewards for quality comments while they develop their follower base

Curators, can keep an eye on the authors whose comment got so highly voted as it indicates potentially good content will be coming from that author...

To express it mathematically = (Win / Win)^n


Pump pump pump... Never dump!
This is the future of our platform!

While I can find truth to your argument I can likewise see that virtuous well thought out comments like my initial entry into this thread more often than not go unrewarded..

Probably because you replied to me, and i am a small fish (And could not vote yet because i am loading VP )

Then let us be small fish together... :) and grow inside this steemit pond.

I also find that most comments, despite being of good quality, will go unrewarded, or have a small reward. However, every once in a while they will get a very nice reward, so I guess you might think of each good comments as a gamble that pays off every once in a while.

like the roulette Red/Black :)

True, lets see if any of these gambles actually pay dividends

Well meanwhile STEEM reaches 10$ we can make some good friends, and write some good posts.

Have a good day bois!


You speak the true fact

I agree with you @nnnarvaez

whatever will be planned by the steemit, I personally very supportive!

yah thanks for this idea. Great!

Currently I upvote and self vote on about a 1:1 ratio. Personally I enjoy supporting minnows via curation, but the only way it is worth my time is with self voting. Curation rewards are currently useless as an economic incentive, and I say this as someone who spent months trying to make a go at curating, but Steemit needs curation to thrive. I've been attacked for self voting but at this point I still believe I give more value than I receive. YMMV

Well, I actually found @dontstopmenow because he was the #1 curator on the platform and then plugged him into to get a curation trail going. He has been doing pretty good since then :-)

i want to be part of this group

I know so many people who retired on Bitcoin mining - early adopters. Now I have sat down with many who are retiring on Steemit earnings. I was already retired before 50 but Steemit put me over the 1mm dollar mark.

Congratulations on your success especially with steem.

I hope to get there in the next year or two. If Wall Street does to cryptocurrencies what I think they are going to do, I will be there.

STEEM is going to be huge for me...even at my holding now of 6K SP...I believe it is a $100 token at some point.

You're right! So it will be!

For a few months, I have been telling everyone I trade with, "Best part is that next year you will be a millionaire"

They look at me strangely. I live in one of those countries that is following the lead of Venezuela and printing money out of existence. So, of course one would need to be a millionaire in (local currency) in order to even pay for lunch.

The dollar is next - remember. All paper turns back into paper and goes to $0
Always has...
Always will...

I think it will be very interesting to see how the crypto world is affected now that Wall Street is entering the picture. While there will be a ton of money pumped into it, they like to play their shorting games which can cause problems. Of course, short squeezes can happen also.

Either way, I feel my position is rather strong in crypto and I should enter the millionaire realm will take a rather decent multiple but not totally outrageous in the land of crypto.

True that @htooms

It's about the CryptoCryptoCurrency Y'all...

Bye bye dollardollarbill...

And the bytes will turn into bits (and eventually into Hobbits)

Everyone only hopes to achieve your level of success!

You make a really good point. I have thought form the very beginning that I feel we are missing something in Steem and that it is comments.

I often see written on Reddit that the real jokes are in the comments. And I think that is true. Reading comments on people posts in Reddit is usually much more interesting than reading the actual post.

I think we have an issue in Steemit where comments do not matter as much as the actual posts. Yet, if I am correct, we have a separate reward pool for comments.

My question is, do we need to change the way in which voting for comments works? If we have a separate reward pool for comments, can we create a separate VP for users so that they are more inclined to upvote quality comments?

On Steem, we all know that collaboration is really what is going to make us grow. Could pushing people to comment actually help us grow faster?

Reading comments on people posts in Reddit is usually much more interesting than reading the actual post.

100% true. That's always been my experience. Sometimes i would just scan the post for context and then read all the comments.

a separate reward pool for comments.

It's all the same reward pool. Everybody distributes reward (or penalty) according to their votes, and can choose whether to reward posts, comments, or both.

You are right, idk why I thought that there was a separate reward pool for comments.

Hmmmmmmm...... Kind of ruins my idea xD Back to the drawing board!

I am a lot more optimistic about the time that STEEM hits $10....St Patricks Day the latest.

As for the article, brilliant. I just wrote a post about how the curation/reward system is not broken, that it is working exactly as intended. Wealth is being shared and transferred from the hands of a few to the rest of us. A big part of that is people using their allotted 20% daily of voting power. That is where the force lies. When people upvote others, it puts more SP in their wallet which is more VP. Those who keep coming back to vote your stuff up will have more VP to give to you. It is a wonderful cycle.

It is easy to fret and moan about things being broken yet few take the time to learn how the system is actually working and how to partake in it. I think you for posting this and reminding me to upvote all my commenters (which I do anyway).

I really don't understand how people don't realize this. Sistem is working great; for all participants.

I just commented with a guy who said he was having a tough time getting people to his blog to read his content. I looked at his page and he has 200 posts..he joined in September. If one does not get involved, how is anyone going to know that person.

I guess it is easier to blame the reward system out of either jealousy or laziness. I am sure many attack simply because they are jealous that someone else is having success. Others simply dont want to put in the effort.

In 3 months on here, I made over 5200 posts (most of which are comments)....less than some, more than most. And they are mostly legit comments not the nice post thanks stuff.

That is what enhances an ecosystem...true participation. Do that and, over time, the system works.

Amazing isnt it?

Damn that might be fodder for another post. LOL

You right. And all that photo contest and challenges are a good way to get involved and people will notice and upvote you. I was commenting for months before I started posting. And I support small circle of friends and family members but they spreading my power to their circles and with time all people growing their SP.

I started at the end of August and I am only now realizing the power of commenting. I guess I did it naturally but I can see how it is paying off in full for me.

Thank you for the upvotes...they are appreciated.

I usually don't upvote commenting but rather check blogs of good commenters and upvote their posts. Otherwise, people just keep pile spam comments under my posts.

Yes I can understand that.

I noticed the once commenting to pinch votes.....

I tend to upvote everything in one of my posts...I go through later when my SP is up...but many of the posts are junk...nice post, great info, yadda yadda yadda.....

That doesnt add to the conversation....

Oh well....most of them are desperate so what the heck....if a few cents is really worth it to them whereas a well thought out post of even a few sentences would get them double or triple that without a thought...

People are always looking for short cuts in that regard.

I like your way !

That is what everyone needs to do for this to work well for everyone.

This is a good point. People see that you get paid to post, and they think that it's easy to earn a lot of money. However, the truth is that earning money here requires a lot of effort (or a huge chunk of luck), just like earning money on anything else. If people spent more energy on creating good content and connecting with others instead of complaining, then they would probably be a lot richer by now.

Yes.. I agree. Participation is the most important thing. I have experienced it myself. I joined Steemit in August. But as I was writing my thesis I stopped for a couple of months. So when Ï was regular I had followers growing at a constant rate. But when I stopped participating my followers remained static, now that I am back again I see my followers increasing again. YES, good content and being active to participate in the event are the key to shine in steemit.

A virtuose cycle!

Wow wonderful comment, the cycle of sharing VP-Wealth...

You got a 4.17% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @fproductions!

Voting for and replying to comments in other’s posts also helps add to a sense of community. It’s a great way for new users to feel recognized and learn what Steem is all about.

This is a very good submission. I see people talking everyday about steem getting to $1, do you think is close to that price?

Well, as for upvoting my comment section, I do that always until I was delegated some SP for community project. Nice post @cryptoctopus.

Steem is already at over $1 per token ;) You can see the current market value at Coinmarketcap.

Steem is currently at number 34 in market caps with a value of $347,280,180. The current price is $1.41 so the market cap would have to move up to about $3 billion which don't seem unrealistic. There are other coins/tokens that are much less likely to succeed than steemit.

I would argue that the entire crypto market is going to grow by a multiple of 10 in the coming years and steemit will grow by a multiple of 10 with relation to the entire crypto market. With this being said, I wouldn't be surprised to see a $140 steem (or much higher) by 2020. Further, if there are any serious outbursts of problems in the financial system or the USD starts falling, then we could even see much bigger numbers than that.

If steemit reaches Twitter level usage (which it looks like it is heading there), then steem should have a somewhat equivalent market cap as Twitter which is valued at $15-22 billion. Further, steemit has the power to do so so much more than Twitter.

Technology grows exponentially so the value could start shifting the decimal places ($1.40 -> $14.00 -> $140.00 -> $1400 -> ...) very rapidly.

I look forward to seeing where this is heading!

Here's my comment. and I will vote on a few too.

It not crazy at all dude, thats the whole idea right. I think engaging meaningful comments is key to it all. Especially if you dont have an option to buy yourself some SP (or just a tiny bit as I did), you have to make yourself noticeable. I think if somebody is commenting decent, they will always get a reply from me and an upvote (So my 2 cent upvote from last week is already 3 cent, which I find already fucking cool). Yeah, especially minnows deserve an upvote.... they will remember this, and ALWAYS come back to you. Because YOU started their fortune.

Then again.. replying and voting is way easier for me with like max 10 replies compared to you hahah

You are right..right now I have 260 comments to reply to! That's a little crazy to be honest. It might take me a couple of hours just to reply.

@cryptoctopus One word: Brilliant. Up voting comments is just like any other perspective of the real world social life. If you can't manage to have a connection or stimulating conversation with someone the energy dies. Why bother up voting a dead/ low energy comment that adds no value. Nothing more annoying than comments that are just "plain". Great point! Best wishes, - @splendorhub

Thank you. Social media is not much different than the real world. You've got a nice blog going by the way.

Thank you for your comment. Really enjoying my Steemit journey, hope to be a great contributor to this community ❤️

Wow that's crazy. We have to get there.

@cryptoctopus this is one of the things I have been thinking about how everything is affected when the price of steem goes up, and you just explained everything and it goes with what I was figuring out.

The vision of @dan for the steem blockchain and steemit is happening right now, and lets imagine about how the freedom, and enpowering people and giving us the control again that is were it belongs to, will be once the price starts climbing to 5x then to 10x, and then when it will be at $100 1 steem. It will be amazing how people around the world will be able to make a living with the platform. With steemit we are all contributing in a free government/banks community, with our own rules, and things happen spontaneously, and people help other people, and the positive circle of helping, collaborating is gaining more and more power.

@utopian-io from @elear just launched on the right time, creating the market and economy to fund open source projects in a way never thought of a few years ago. See visionaries like @elear and @dan that are crazy enough they can change the world, they actually do it. And we will get to see the biggest transfer of wealth of all times, once the money flows from bitcoin (unable to support the transaction increase demand) to the big 3 (steem, eos and bitshares). Just upvoted and resteemed. Thanks for sharing this powerful information to the steemit community.


I completely agree with you. @elear is awesome and his project will change the face of the open source world for sure. Here is a big fat upvote for that comment of yours. :-)

@cryptoctopus what awesome times that we have the possibility to live it. This technology disruptions are completely changing every industry for the good of all! @gold84

I resteemed your post yesterday!

Looking forward to your thoughts on this ideas when you got a chance!By the way, after being here for over 3 months I finally created my introductory post. It is about How I am Adding Value to Steemit, plus my 13 Ideas to Help the Growth of Steemit, and Great People I Met.

I am optimistic too and hope it will go with the scenario you described.

I am so glad I found you to follow as a minnow, I am learning a lot . Thanks a million.

So much potential with STEEM and unlike other blockchains a higher token price will actually change the way things work on the platform and create a snowball effect of incentivisation to post here. For example, the higher the price of STEEM the more upvotes will be worth and therefore the rewards will be in turn more valuable. This will only increase the demand for STEEM tokens and continue to push the price higher.

What a beautiful and caring message!! I am totally with you! I am a Steemian for a couple weeks now and I discovered a lot of people who just comment random empty phrases and you can really feel that they just want to leave any comment in hope to make money. I somehow find that pretty sad as I think Steemit is a true community of open minded, supportive and interesting individuals who try to share their opinions, tips, experiences and other things with their friends and potential friends on Steemit. But if I read some loveing, caring, interesting comments under my posts or the posts of others I am really appreciating that as it is of true value to us and the person who commented shows that he or she isn't only a Steemian to "exploit" this wonderful platform with numb phrases but to integrate and enjoying being a part of us. The point of the increasing value of Steem is definately something to think about! Great analyze, mate :) And I would LOVE it if people from poor countries would be able to survive by commenting on beautiful posts. Joining a wonderful community, having fun and earning enough money to have a good live sounds like a dream coming true. I hope a lot of wonderful souls who enrich the community will be able to build up a solid and healthy life with Steem. Steemit truely is a big step towards a better society and life, I guess!! Thank you very much for sharing your ideas, thoughs and lovely words! :) Upvoted! :)

Thanks for the thorough comment. Steem and all of it's app will never be perfect because people aren't. But one thing that is positive is that trolling and malicious comment are few and far between. If that means there are useless and empty comment then I take that everyday over malice.

You're most welcome :) Thank you for your lovely answer! :)
You are right, people aren't perfect and that's maybe the reason why it never gets boring on earth :)
However, I am glad the trolling and malicious comments are few and the beautiful community enriches each other with wonderful words and tips :)
By the way: I love your profile pic hahaha :D Pretty cute little creature :D

Yeah HODLing matters.. go for long-term guys. Put in sweat equity until its worth more than before!! ;)

See you at the top fellow hodlers

I personally agree that steem will keep rising in value, unless bitcoin crashes. The part that I am not certain if I agree with is the idea of treating steemit like a method of making money. While it is definitely possible to do so,I would say that steemit shouldn't be treated as an income due to the unpredictability of it. Maybe if you managed to get a whale to come and upvote a bunch of your posts and became possible, but for the vast majority of active users, that becomes really unlikely (I mean if you go by steemitboard there are only 38 whales to thousands of redfish, minnows, and dolphins)

I like the idea of steem raising to $10, but I am not to keen on the perpetuation of making everyone think that steemit is a main income (I know that isn't the point of your post but it is easy to see how it could be comprehended that way)

This is the whole value proposition of the steem blockchain: it a monetizing layer on content. It is not perfect mostly because we have the firehose effect going on and not enough granularity in content discovery. But with the coming SMT and community feature, there will be multiple hierarchy being able to reward users and therefore spread the wealth to a much larger userbase. If we don't market steem has such, there is really nothing special about this blockchain that has mass appeal.

But still, everything that has to do with creative endeavour, has to deal with the 80/20 rule. We can bitch and moan about it but that rule can't be bent or broken for very algorithm can defeat it.

Honest, genuine and eye opening analysis. I would not call my country poor but, yes $1 is worth something here. Will definitely take it up from here

Well here is a dollar! :-)

*Someone in a poor country could live off the money made by commenting on my blog

in my country 30% to 50% of the population lives on 2 dollars a day the 2 usd can feed a family of 5

i know other countries in africa that can live on 1 dollar

Where do you live?

Steemit has been amazing since I started posting here last year. Just about everything that I have made from here is by having comments upvoted. I also think Steem will hit $10. I don't know when, but with cryptocurrencies exploding in value and popularity, it is going to happen at some point.

I am very glad it has been good for you.

My wife is hard to please. She uses Facebook, Instagram, etc. and says, "you only made x amount after being on Steemit for countless hours over the past year." I reply, "how much did you make countless hours on Facebook last year?" :) Seriously, with the massive pump of Bitcoin and Steem Dollars lately in conjunction with SMT's and the tweaks that the devs are making to Steemit, I really see things taking off.

Thank you. It has been a great ride so far

Do you have any tips for a new steemer who wants to post good content but getting turned off by the lack of views/interaction/votes?
Is consistency the key?
I spent about 4 hours on 2 posts for less than 5 views its a bit disheartening

I have created a series for minnows if you are interested:

You spent way too much time on creating content. 20% of your time should be spent on creating content and 80% getting to know people who would follow you and your content.

Nice, thank you, going to read them now

I always consider future value in all things Steem. It provides good inspiration to keep going and creating/curating new content. It certainly feels like we’re gaining Steem in terms of the recent price action and volume. Time will tell. Great post!

It's good long term thinking. Very few people think like that.

It's crazy to think about, but I'm not sure that something like can be sustainable. It would be really awesome to earn ten bucks for a comment, but doesn't that sound a bit like a bubble?

What is a bubble? Everybody has a different definition these days.

Well, you know the bubble by the burst, before it happens labeling it as such is bound to be speculation.

What I meant with this comment is that steem is one of those cryptocurrencies that have a clearly outlined utility and a bubble might be created when it's easy to get a simple activity overrewarded. $10 rewards for commenting might be just that, but who knows, the current rewards might also be viewed as too high already but they seem to be pretty stable. I guess we'll see how it goes and if STEEM can be stable at $10, that would be awesome for us who have become invested at much lower prices.

I would say that there is another advantage in upvoting the comments you receive at your posts and that is making followers. People will feel more appreciated to see that at a discusstion on one of your posts, their comments are well received and appreciated so you would be able to build a strong followers base

And when the price will go up, their upvotes will also be worth more...hence the virtuous cycle ;-)

Haha, I like your thinking and thanks for the upvotes! It is clear that people appreciate this way rewarding comments, you have got about 300 at this post! I wish I was at least 10% that popular :))

I still would just like to be able to privately message other users... I think this is why steemit can feel quite cold. I can't think of another social media platform where you can not message other users... from gaming (even my online chess games!) sites to facebook... if steemit wants to gain mass appeal then then a messaging system is (in my opinion) imperative.

I know. I can't wait to get a chat on but then, there might be a problem...people like me who are in the top 100 holders of steem will get an insane amount of message...not sure if I look forward to that.

I am brand new on steemit and a em very glad to read some good content as this! This is the first article a read and i love it! Thanks!

oh wow! I'm honored! Here is a nice upvote for you and even if you don't understand everything, just keep going 😊

I always upvoted all my reply in comment event at least $0.01

This is just good to be true in near future,
But for now, I dont have much sp and wanting more, and this idea may fit in near future, a years more i think

If you are able to create loyalty with your followers by upvoting even $0.01 and a comment, it will be great for you in the future. 😊
At one point, Steem was at $5 and at that moment I realized how much I should have bought SP when they were cheap. If you can afford it, it's a great investment in my opinion.

Mind completely blown!!!! I can't believe that this is going to happen and were here to witness the greatness unfold. Kudos on your post and i just started following you. Keep em coming!!!! =)

Voting the comment - good idea. I have been doing only commenting on posts - up voting on comment is a good idea. I like this idea. It improves my rewards. Another hidden nice thing in this is the post will be keenly followed at the same time the persons who are commenting are also keenly followed. This will improve the value of the post. Nice idea. i will concentrate on this. As a new comer it is important for me increase my SP.


I studied all the 3 minnow’s advice posts.
Very interesting to read the earlier days of steemit; way back... back.. very back... May 16. You are absolutely correct in mentioning that do not bother about curation rewards or post rewards. It took me 4 months to understand that I can earn rewards by commenting and now I earn more rewards by commenting or replying than my own posts. The post I take good pains get 4 or 5 votes with no reply. But a funny YouTube copied video gets 45 votes. I think it is no use of finding logic. As you said sheer luck. But i keep going on posting, commenting, replying up voting. When I see your 72 rating I get inspired.

Second post gives good suggestions to minnows like me. I studied 3 times. Seriously planning to start on those grounds. I liked your suggestion “If you do what most people do, you are going to get what most people get." so I feel, time for me to do that core 10% can do. Thanks for the suggestion.

ha... ha...ha... "Post pictures of their cats and have fun" true I see them hundreds every day. I spend at least 4 hours on steemit site... getting new tips day by day.

Your third post gave me some more clarity. I am on that now... seriously. Your guidance is very valuable for me.

Fantastic suggestions and great 3 posts. I am taking it seriously. Till now I was wandering in a dark jungle with little lamp. Thank you very very much. I understood that you really mean what you said in your post: "The virtuous cycle of upvoting your comment section..."

I must admit to not being a big blogger/poster but I do a lot of curating in both my direct areas of interest and to encourage the new users I see arriving on the scene.

I haven't approached this as a 'money making excercise' since I joined and rarely comment on posts such as this.

However maybe its time to change my way of doing things and approach this in a differrent way.

Perhaps this will be my turning point and you could be responsible for encouraging my oh so human inate avarice ..

Courtesy of @joshoeah

Good one!
"Someone in a poor country could live off the money made by commenting on my blog" this made me think that's even it's funny, it's also sad.
Anyway nice article, an informative reading before sleep! keep up the good work👐

why sad?

cuz there are countries very poor and I don't know..where's the equality from birth as human beings?

thats why i advice people never power down. you just confirmed that.
and for those looking for cash by false commenting my blog is open i will gladly do that with my weak steem

The opportunity cost is too great in my mind...except if I have a time preference on something that I absolutely need.

thanks a lot for your brillant statement, I'm a newbee here on Steemit and always thankful for such a good advice, keep on with york here...

Absolutely agree with you here. I am a new member but am enthralled by the potential and positive curation created here when users have a definite financial stake.

Wow that's really crazy, I have considered the value of the comments and rewarding the comments but the potenitial of it as an investment had never crossed my mind. At the same time the comments add value to the posts itself.. AS many say is a win win situation.

Thanks for sharing this mind blowing facts haha :)

My pleasure man. It's really a win win for all.

exactly what I am doing here, I try to make a couple of dollars with some meaningful comments and hope that it will be worth a lot more in a couple of years since I do not have the money to buy steem

You have the brains to mine steem which in turn is much more important ;)
Let it pile on your SP and wait, as a witness I can tell you there are a bunch of us that strongly believe in the future of the platform and the importance of crypto for a more human financial world.

It is up to us to join forces to make the difference.

i aswell strongly believe in the future of this platform thats why i am here to suport it and ofc to profit from it

Not saying anyone should do it, but earlier this year i took a loan of $5000 to invest in cryptos and i more than doubled that amount. i payed off the loan and i used my profit to start buying other stuff including icos.

It's not crazy, it's inspiring!

I just checked and I made exactly $1 today from all my comments in total. I thoroughly enjoyed my conversations this morning - a lot of back and forth with people, same as yesterday.

But it's not even only the $1 I earned, but sometimes these conversations also spark ideas for new articles. I actually made over $6 today from a post, which I would have never written, if it hadn't been for a conversation with another author here.

Wow, that sounds great!!

Just by looking around on the posts and comments it seems to me like the financial aspect somehow brings out proper engaging and interesting discussions.
Funny, they sometimes say money brings out the worst in people but i feel like that is not the case on steemit.
Admittedly, i've only been a member for a week. So i don't have a complete picture.

It's both ways to be honest. We get a lot of incredible content that people would not have produced if they did not get paid for it, so it is definitely a big incentive for people to engage and produce. However, we also get a lot of spam , and popular authors can often get 50+ spam comments like "please follow and upvote me..." on each post hoping to score a few cents. So it's a double-edged sword.

That's too bad, i don't see an easy solution for the large amount of spam comments except flagging them.. It's difficult to change someones' mindset.
Wish those people (those that spam) could see that they could actually enjoy making posts, sharing their thoughts and getting rewarded for their valuable input.

Well, the easiest way to get rid of them is to just ignore or downvote them. I don't think anyone wants to spend their day copy-pasting a message if they don't get paid for it. The problem is that some people for some reason upvote them..

I love this article. I am new to Steemit so this helped break it down a bit more for me. Still learning but I’ll get the hang of it. Any other advice or Steemit know-how please pass it my way!

Someone in a poor country could live off the money made by commenting on my blog

This is the most inspiring thing I have read today. It's weird to think that a little blogging and community engagement could potentially lift more people out of poverty than all the money I have lent through Kiva over the last couple of years.

How true. It is amazing to think that even an upvote of a couple cents each day to someone on here could make a huge difference. Being in the west, we think that a couple cents means nothing....that isnt the case when you live on a dollar or two a day. If each of us took the time to upvote those comments in a section where there is a lot of poverty (I go into the indonesia section), we could really make a difference.

I hate to admit that I have to ask this, but how do you "go to the Indonesia section?"

Look at tags on the left and scroll down about 2/3 the way and click on indonesia.

It will take you there, I go to the new section and look for posts that have only a couple cents or zero in the upvote and spread some votes around.

As I said, I have no idea the effect a couple cents has on those individuals. I know there are some very poor parts to that country hence a few cents from many of us could make a big difference.

Thank you. Yes, I see the Indonesia tag now. I thought maybe you knew of a way to further sort where posts were coming from. I keep wishing there was a way to sort by country (other than just tags) or by language.

Except.... Indonesia is banning all cryptocurrencies. Foolish Govt.

That is a really great point. I haven't really thought about it like that before, but I like your comparison to Kiva.

I reward good comments on my posts to encourage them to come back. Spam may get flagged. I make a bit from comments too. Some people vote 1% on them and it's still a fair bit. I'm here for conversations and not just for the few dollars I make. I appreciate that it's serious money to some people

You are right. We must find ways to support new comers more in order to take the community up where we want it to see. I am saying this because i am new here and find it difficult to reach people and get reward.

Hey @cryptoctopus

We must encourage our commenters by upvoting their comments. I see there are many Steemians who upvoted me when I commented on their blogs. I really like to read their articles as well as I love comment because I know they value our time and efforts.

I too want to upvote my each and every commenter when I am going to start blogging regularly on Steemit.

This is the right way to think!

Just WOW!
Thats why I got in all that blockchain content it might really change our world to a better place!
I want to believe in some

Earning on the content of others, the ideas, the companies and that by every single person no matter how "small" he/her feels he/she is. )

As a begginner in crypto I introduced one of my friends to this new world but he was like "I can´t do this, I won´t understand, I don´t understand english enough etc. etc."

I convinced him to sign up on steemit (currently waiting for validation) and post his "failed life" as he sees it. I want him to share his story to get a food in this new possibilities.
I'll do my best to keep him along on this way.

As we have both little experience on how to start a bio at all we might just introduce him to you out there :)

Will love to share more!
Live long and prosper

It's not just about being at the right place at the right have to be the right person at the right place at the right time.

I have created a series for minnows if you are interested:

I am just a minnow but I try to vote on comments that add to the conversation on my posts. Even if I comment on someone else's post and they respond and add to the conversation I will upvote also.

It's a good mindset to be in.

It is in my opinion. I just everyone was in that mindset!

It is extremely crazy to think about, particularly since Steem is still in beta. Imagine when it comes out of beta? We were just talking with a friend the other day about how if something happens to bitcoin (heaven forbid and all, but we all know how governments hate unregulated things), that there would be a vacuum that needed to be filled by other cryptocurrencies. It could very well be that we see Steem be $10 in a year's time.

SMT will be a game changer just like tokens were a game changer for ETH. We will have the fastest, no fee ICO platform in the space. Not only that, those SMT will be social media in and of themselves! Woot to the moon!

We'll also be the most 'free' social media platform. There's a problem with Twitter and Facebook where all sides are not able to represent themselves as well (and I don't mean harassers, etc), and it's created a vacuum for people who want to freely express their opinion. People who are anarcho-capitalist, moderates, etc seem to be flocking here to post their thoughts. There seems to be more 'equal representation', because it's not so easy to just report something just because you don't agree with it (unless you're a whale I guess lol).

I've been doing that for a long time
saw the Old Dog @kus-knee do that and it encourages users to go on back before the user influx

the problem is - yeah there's that damn catch ...
some abuses it and just comments - non sense, irrelevant and begging lines and expect to get upvotes too
plus your post could get swarmed with post crashers

the worst part .. people expect you to upvote their comments but don't even bother returning your ups no matter how relevant, real your f****ing comment is ..
my am ranty tonight .. I'd better unplug ..

I've got 260 comments to get back to right now and it makes it hard to reply too. For the one liner begging for follow and comments...I flag them or tell them to learn social media.

that's a lot

hmmm.. I guess that explains why you never return my ups
thanks for the up on the comments then

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