Hi I saw you commenting about our coin Superior Coin. If you have any coins please sell immediately as the price is about to crash. This coin has been stolen by the former lead programmer Nathan Senn and a gang of a dozen or so others please help to keep it off exchanges.
Nathan has taken all 310 million coins and will soon be trying to dumping them on unsuspecting purchasers.
Please do the right thing and sign this petition and tell exchanges. Over 100 people have signed this petition.
We have every last receipt for all payments relating to the development of this coin nobody owns anything else to do with it. Just check our Twitter as well @thesuperiorcoin for updates about this ongoing theft.
Thank you
Yoriko Todd and Michael Q Todd
Founders and owners
Superior Coin
PS I f you want to know more of what happened you can read about it here
I once saw a petition that had thousands of signatures, that petition was for banning water from a towns water supply. They just used the name dihydrogen monoxide.