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RE: Help us test new performance optimizations for!

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for commenting and reaffirming that this ability already exists, apart from a necessary UI tweak. And, it is a tweak, isn't it? Or is there some hidden complexity that makes this change way harder than I imagine it could be?

The extremely frustrating thing for me is that the promise of edit access has been dangled in front of me for six months now, but still remains out of reach. :O

My friends behind the curtain: if there's any way to work post editability into the mix sooner, rather than later, you'd have at least one wildly cheering fan out here, thanking you profusely.


We're working on it, but you don't need us to do it. Anyone can build this tool or UI.


I guess I need to learn how to code for blockchain access...

Can you give me any pointers to how to set up a simple, basic IDE or build environment and what coding tools to use for accessing the Steemit blockchain?

Any basic Steemit development article references?


@Justinw looks like this this may be a good subject for your next blog post.