What Sets Apart The Really Great Steemians? – They Don’t Feel Entitled

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends!

Join me for my morning coffee as I hang out in a park and discuss the topic of gratitude. One thing that really strikes me about most of the top Steemians is that they seem to “get” the fact that every single vote is a gift. They also understand that success is not drawn in a linear line! There are a lot of ups and downs on the platform, and living from this mindset can really help you to stay more grounded.


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In this video I chat about what entitlement looks like on this platform and how by focusing on getting votes – you are actually not attracting the kind of supporters you want anyway! People can SMELL DESPERATE and they can often feel your intentions through your post.

Success on this platform does not happen overnight and it is often built one person at a time. By really focusing on feeling grateful for every single person who supports you with their vote or leaves an engaging comment on your blog, regardless of their steem power, you will slowly start to build your base of support. It will be truly authentic support as well because it is coming from people who are actually excited to support you. Also, I am not saying that every great Steemian has this kind of mindset – but many of them do.

The text in this post simply serves as a high level over view – please watch the video to get the full content from this post!

PS… I am filming outdoors and so excuse the plane overhead in part and the rooster crowing at another point. Seriously, the park I went to has a little community farm. It’s so cute!

I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I honestly think the sooner one can detach from any feeling of expectation – and just be grateful every day that someone decides to support them with a vote – the sooner they will see success on the platform.

If you have any thoughts or questions on this topic, please shoot them in the comments below!


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This is SO TRUE! I think one of the many reasons people are so drawn to you @coruscate is you are so positive and grateful. To be be humble as your success grows in such a graceful way is a very attractive quality in a human being. I’m predicting that by this time next year you will be in the top 50 most followed accounts on Steemit. Write that down!!!

@coruscate interesting your morning coffee. We need to create our own way.
Steemians great. I voted you.

That's good. It's all about supporting each other and appreciating one another or each other's work.

@wesakab thanks for take time for opinion, I am agree with you it's about supporting each other and enhance with feedback and positive readings.

Your welcome and thank you for appreciating :)

@wesakab it is really nice to have steemians friendly as you. We walks positvely!!!

Oh! Thanks. I will follow you.

Hello @wesabi you are welcome; is a pleasure to have you.

In a park with a coffee cup and it is not plastic? How?? Please tell me :-)

Great video and some really quality content.

I think the biggest thing to mention is patience.

Far too many people are not patient and give up after a few weeks because they do not earn thousands for every post.

Just checked out some of your other videos and LOVE your music videos especially the ring of fire, AWESOME!!

Do you take requests? Would love to hear Oasis - Whatever :-)

I upvoted this great video, I think it is only worth $2 at 100% but if I could upvote more I would.

Take care and look forward to more great content.

I totally agree with this. Spending all your time focusing on trying to get .001 Steem by asking for upvotes or spamming peoples comments, you're just pushing yourself away from where you actually want to end up.

Instead, putting that energy into making your posts have more depth, info, and resources, will be a much more satisfying (personally) and financially benificial endeavor.

Invest time into developing your voice and content on the platform and you will be SO much closer to achieving your Steemit goals. Like I tell people new to Steemit, be honest, open, and real, and you can carve out your own space in the Steemit world!

This is too true and something that many people (me included at times) don't think about. People feel entitled like you said, and they expect to see their success as something obvious and constantly increasing. But in reality success isn't always a straight line, and sometimes it will seem like you've backtracked. The most important thing is to not get discouraged and keep working towards your final goal though.

I must say that I feel often that I wont ever reach the success I want. I can blame my field (photography... It's a diluted one), and I can blame my skills and camera (when I see those hundreds of thousands of amazing photos online), but these excuses are something that we use just to justify a lack of visible success. But I think that there is much more going on behind the scenes... Maybe my last post got less upvotes than before, but other things happened too. I learnt more about taking photos, I tried something new maybe. But in the end I got more practice, and I think that even if the results are visible initially, they are there in some form.

It's hard to always remember this though. Sometimes it feels like there is no success or improvement at all. So thank you for writing this post! I feel a lot more motivated for today, and I will always try to remember this in the future when something doesn't work as well as I had wished.

Such a great video and post. I think that being grateful for anyone even reading a post regardless of their voting power is a huge blessing. It's a few minutes out of someone's day that they are taking to read words by you! Thanks for writing this article :)

Thanks for being grateful regardless of the steempower of the upvoters. I agree with comments about your right and positive attitude accelerated your growth in this platform. I am also grateful that I was chosen as one of the winners for your giveaway. It came as a surprise really. I can very often just give an upvote without a comment but you were able to always response to your commenters resulting in great engagement. I agree that there are genuine supporters but there are also many who made superficial comments hoping to gain an upvote from authors without quality comments and many may not even have read the articles. I guess I also must learn not to feel guilty for not upvoting these comments as I do have a habit of upvoting commenters as a token of appreciation even though it may not be much. Thanks for being who you are and will continue to support you. Hopefully I can become a bigger fish one day and support you in a slightly greater way!

@coruscate , today you are my antidote!

This is soooo true!!! Preach it Lea! :)

I touched the dark side, but i think i stick with steemit! :D

Hey Coruscate,

We as human beings tend to find the shortcuts and do a lot of short term rewarding stuff over long term goals. We just forget along the way the way that we are intereacting with the souls and emotions. If we keep that in mind then we will not go for the quanitiy over quality. You are totally right, Every single vote matters and success is not easy.

Good things take time to happen.

Best advice I've heard yet! It makes sense, it can't be manipulated, be authentic, stay authentic and be grateful. I truly believe those are the ones that will win in the end. Its the best mindset to have. Thanks! Following you. :)

This is not just applicable to steemit but to life generally. That is the reason I love reading the book "The science of Getting Rich and The science of being great". In the science of getting reach. what I enjoy most is the chapter on gratitude. In many occasion, despite that I don't have much, I always try as much to say thank you to many people who consistently vote for me.

Truly, a grateful heart is a happy heart.

Thanks for sharing this

Having the correct mindset is the key to success in any endeavour. When some one believes he is entitled that makes him weak and depending.

Thank you for being a lovely ray of sunlight today.

You said a lot of useful stuff. Really the road is not as we think it in our minds. The road to success is not really a straight paved Lane. Thanks for the tutorials.

If it was easier maybe would not have any value. The path of gratitude makes it beautiful, expectations may be disappointing at the beginning, but hard work pays off!

Hardwork pays. There is no gain without great effort in what you do. Thanks for the great work posted here @coruscate.

Thank you for writing such a wonderful article with video. Your thoughts are as beautiful as you :-)
I am new to steemit and your article is exceptionally good for new joiners like me.

Good advice, thanks.
Speaking of gratefulness...you don't have to give me a hug though @coruscate, just a vote and follow will suffice ;-)

That is a very good and accurate point. Many people miss this begging for attention and money. Just need to flow and build it organically.

I don't know if this would probably be true for others but I gotta say this that, success begats success. especially on this platform, I've come to learn that when you follow and learn from the ones we see as successful from our own perspective, we unconsciously become like them and grow too. I've learned a few things from the author @coruscate and I must say I've grown a little too, not just about the gains and rise but about the mindset.

I am grateful that for the first time ever I'm bursting forth with creative energy. Thanks for the tips.

I would like a cup of coffee if u dnt mind..

Very nice video. . You were very cute with your words also so cute. . dear @coruscate
Yeah ... Steemit is really one of the best platforms. Often, this platform does not come to success. Working with patience and honesty, we can succeed at this time. .

Just smile and take deep breath and say hayyyy!! 😂😂

I like the name "Steemians."

The success is not so easily available, the road or picture you've shown is the real one.

I'm subscribed. I think we all forget sometimes that the universe doesn't revolve around us. If only I could get more out of this video by actually being able to play it? LOL I'll fix the error in Chrome, then come back here.

you are right dear ,success needs hard work and hard work gives us strength and a path to success

Hey,Coruscate just let you know that really like your post,very nice.just upvote you.up

some of the people bring success with "what people think it looks like"
thank you. its really nice post

nice chanell ! :) i will be your subscriber ;)

Im new great post

@ihsanbhr takip edin;)

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I just love people that motivate others. Thanks a bunch :D

To me it makes me laugh those that look for votes commenting "excellent publication" or "good post", that type of person I know that they did not read more than the enunciation and they are simply losing the time when doing that. Greetings from Venezuela

Very well said. In an age of entitlement it is refreshing to see this perspective from a young lady. The victims mentality gets you nowhere in life and those that suffer from it will always have someone else to blame. Great job and you just picked up another subscriber.

i think the unsuccessful ones run out of steam

I just started posting my software tutorial videos to dtube and so far it seems like they dont have any views. Although im not really sure of how to tell if they have views. Im hoping that they start getting some views because im trying to help youtube to sink and the type of videos that i make are the normy type that paltforms like this need.
So... hopefully.

great video... looking forward to this

Reading post like these gives me so much joy and optimism for the future. I feel that the less grateful we are for the process, the more difficult it is to move forward because in a way we begin to move against the waves. Thank you for this.

It is like with all other things in life, I guess... Gratitude is the key. :)

Very true! I couldn't agree more. Have a great day. Cheers, Ralph

Cool. Very motivated. Successful always.

"the minute you realise you're not entitled to anything..." #word !!!!

I just watched a few of your other videos. You are a breathe of fresh air!! Glad I found you :)

Facts, thanks for sharing this message

Great stuff! Although we broke your rules and my buddy and I felt entitled to go on a spending spree and bought a lot of great stuff with all our virtual currency! Check out all the bling in this video: https://d.tube/v/nerdstalking/abr9wlet

Thanks so much for explaining this to us all. Truly steemit is a platform to make it just in one day. You really need to be hardworking and be focused on providing vital knowledge to people that would help them in life. I believe steemit is for writing on things that would be helpful to people all over the world and not really to get much income. Once again thanks for motivating us to continuing giving out good contents to the community.