I was using the Steemit.com's site search feature today at https://steemit.com/static/search.html and noticed that ads had pushed the search results almost below the fold. Maybe I'm crazy but I could swear there weren't ads on the internal site search before. Am I crazy has there always been ads there?

I don't think there were ads there before and it is a site admin setting according to Google so were ads enabled on purpose? Is this the direction Steemit.com is heading in already? I'm not against ads by any means but wasn't expecting to see any this soon.

What do you think? Should Steemit.com have ads on it already? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
Image from RetailUnderground.com
This is from Custom Google search. Google puts it there, not Steemit. It's not Steemit internal search like you claim. Steemit doesn't have internal search yet.
Hmm you may be right that they don't have control over the ads unless they are paying Google. I meant Steemit's internal search powered by Google though. As in it only searches for results internal to Steemit.com.
I had written about it already. In yesterday's interview Ned said, tha he and Dan can not take any decisions themselves now. They can only propose some new soft, and for all other innovation there should be the decision of Steemit Community. I am not against ads. Or better to say - I can understand theit necessity. But...
I've never seen ads there. Still don't. For the record I'm logged into Google pretty much all the time.
It's been there. It seems a bit unprofessional because it says Google, but it works well, because it's Google.
I'm not sure where the ad revenue goes.
What do you use the search for?
I think the ads have been on the search since I joined at least. I assumed the revenue must go to Steemit somehow. I find the search useful to see who's posting about less common topics. Unlike some other social sites Steemit has good coverage by Google and I think people will come here via search results.
Those are Google's ads, google put them there, and google gets all the revenue sharing, if I remember internal google searches correctly. It's basically the same ads you would see if you searched the web from google.com, and only google profits from it. They only show up on "relevant searches" so not everything you search for will show an ad.