Time to earn some Steem while its cheap!

in #steemit7 years ago
If you're anything like me you woke this morning and checked coinmarketcap and the prices of cryptos, and were shocked to see just about every coin in the RED. Steem has gone down about 20% in the last 48 hours from around $2.30 to its current price of around $1.80. Generally when there is some substantial negative price action like this there is massive decrease in activity. Is this sudden downturn in price a cause for concern? No In fact you should be Steeming more!


If you are intending on being on Steem for the long term (like you should be!), then short term dips like this shouldn't affect your overall posting strategy - if anything you should be posting more. This is the time to ‘invest’ in some cheap Steem - by invest I mean blogging and earning Steem (although if you have spare FIAT you could also invest that way!).

I have alot of faith in the long term success of the Steem blockchain, and although I have only been here about 4 months I know how volatile cryptos can be in general and have seen a couple of big dips since i've been here - and the prices have generally bounced back. Don’t worry I don't see the price of Steem dropping to zero anytime soon!

Although Warren Buffett may not be a crypto investor or advocate he has a famous quote which we can relate to the market right now:

Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful - Warren Buffet

Steem is a bargain right now!

It's hard to get your mind around the fact that by the price being cheaper you are essentially getting a ‘bargain’. The price is $1.80 now imagine if it rose to say $18 in the future, that would make it 10 times more difficult to earn 1 Steem (and your account would be worth 10 times more!). When the price rises there is also more ‘competition’ because people start blogging again hoping to make the big bucks, and thus your blogs will gain less visibility. I wasn't here in late 2017 when the prices of the whole crypto market were booming, but from what I have heard it got pretty busy around here.

Essentially by earning some cheap Steem now you are making the best out of the downward trend in the market! The old adage is to buy low, sell high, and this is essentially what you are doing if you stick with blogging through these dips - accumulating your position in the market.

I think possibly people who are new to crypto and Steem see the price going down and either panic sell or stop posting and wait for the dip to pass. This goes against onventional wisdom and investment advice. This is how it feels when the price of Steem goes down - its a bit of a lonely place at times:


So if you are new or a bit more experienced on here remember that this is just a short term fluctuation, and no need to stop Steeming. I hope to see the majority of you still blogging during the dip :)




Hi! I already work to Post one Post every day.
When I have written Multiple Posts, I save them for the Next Day(s) so I make sure that I have one Post for each day of the month.

I do this for the ,,Monthly Author" Medal on SteemitBoard.
I didn't have one yet.
The fact that I know two Languages (German and English), makes it Way easier, because this way, I only need to write 16 Posts and Translate them once rather than writing 31 Posts.

Click here if you want to see my Medals on SteemitBoard.

Totally agree man! I’m in for the long term and had a crazy thought earlier today of steem rising to around $10,000 in the next 5 years haha! How insane would that be... would be nuts!

It’s not impossible....

That would be amazing - we would all be rich! I even hope for Steem to get to $50 in the next few years would be pretty amazing

I think it’s definitely possible to get to $50 in a few years for sure! There will be a jump in crypto prices again, we just can’t predict when

I think $50 is realistic but this platform needs to adjust some things and gain a bigger share of the social media pie first.

Yeah I agree - $5 would be nice at the moment especially after the latest dip in the market hahaha. Yeah I agree there are changes being made but it needs to make it more mainstream and focus on increasing user retention

You're right we shouldn't worried. I just wish I had a fat stack to spend on Steem right now.

Yeah Im in the same boat on that - but I have no job for the next 3 months so that aint going to happen :P

I am to get more steem while I can, that way when it goes up all I have to do is watch the money come in.

Great idea :)