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RE: The Flawed Philosophy Behind Steemit Curation + Solution!

in #steemit9 years ago

The Flawed Philosophy Behind This Solution

One word. Sybil.

Attack works like so ...

A user creates a new account as soon as the threshold for obtaining rewards in the 75% regime is past.

Rinse. Repeat.


It's not easy to optimize the quality and rewards and the whole Steemit system.
The @complexring reply already shows how your solution may become ineffective, but there are other issues: lower rewards to established authors may bring them out of the platform or make them publish less contents (or lower quality ones). Note that I'm a minnow too, so not defending established authors for some personal interest.

It's a complex balance and there's not quick and easy solution IMHO.

He and jesta are worried about Sybil attacks. Nothing stops a Sybil attack at the current 25% rate, right?

Lower rewards to established authors would mean that they have to post less, yes. And that's a good thing - would you rather have several people with several interests and everyone else working for free, or rather more authors and more diverse content, and more people receiving money for their work? It's all about a sightly better reward distribution and people actually reading the articles vs. mindless upvoting of established authors, because their articles pay out.

Also, being limited to posting less times a day, means that you will push for higher quality articles.

As much as I wanted this solution to be a novel approach to more wealth distribution, @complexring nailed it.

Let's play out the scenario, as I don't see a Sybil attack working?

Explain it in more detail, please - I don't understand? I'm proposing a progressive scale from 75% to 25% for curator rewards. How would a Sybil attack even be worthwhile?

I go make 100 accounts that all are minnows. I slowly start writing posts with them. On each of these posts, I use a whale account to upvote, and collect 75% of the rewards from the post.

Once the accounts gain enough SP from rewards, I power them down and discard them, making new accounts to harvest 75% rewards off of.

It would be a new way for people to farm curation rewards at a much higher rate than we see right now.

So what stops you from doing the same at the current 25% rate?

Nothing - it's just that by increasing it from 25% to something higher, it becomes more of a problem.

I'm not saying the problem doesn't exist currently, but this compounds it and makes it worse :)

It's not a problem to use reputation into the equation - that way exploiting new accounts will be considerably harder.

Using reputation allows someone with a higher reputation to upvote someone with a lower one and do the same thing.

Not impossible, harder yes. Will people do it. Absolutely, if the rewards are large enough and the time it takes to do so is negligible in comparison.

Create a new account so you are always on the 75% side.

I replied to @jesta above.