My (hopefully temporary) strategy for commenting on posts ...

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm not sure what the cause(s) of the recent performance degradation is here on Steemit and, like everyone else, I hope it gets sorted out soon.

In the meanwhile, here's the strategy I've adopted to help minimize the frustration and waiting-game when commenting.

It's not perfect but it seems to often work.

  • Hit Reply
  • Type your comment
  • Hit POST
  • Wait a few seconds while the post spins ...
  • Refresh the page
  • Oh look, my comment is there!!!
  • Cancel out of the in-progress comment, if present, to prevent having a duplicate comment.
  • Rinse and repeat ...

Follow me @cognoscere


Good idea

truly good idea!

yes I figured out the same thing haha thanks

yes, it is good idea

Great idea... @cognoscere

What a great idea. Thank you for giving me the information @cognoscere

For a number of reasons, I have checked out of steemit recently. Most of them have been life issues, actually, and not completely the platform itself (although, like everybody else, I do have my gripes). Yet, the site seems a little buggier than before. I think I missed something.

thanks for sharing a very nice solution, it's really helpful to overcome duplication problem.

Thank you for this great idea, really appreciate your hard work :)
upvoted :)

That's what I've been doing also. Frustrating but works. Thanks @cognoscere

or may be better use other alternatives as they are quick :)

Beats just yelling at the screen, which didn't seem to work too well ( :

I've had so many duplicate (triplicate!) comments!! I'm going to have to use this strategy....going to try it NOW!

Fingers crossed it is working perfectly!