Making your posts look attractive is one of the most essential things on every site. If you don't belive me, because I have to few followers ask anyone else. All of them will tell you the same.
So in this post I'll go through how to make your posts more atractive and add a few little features to it with HTML.
Having the option to rezise your heading will give tyou the option to make categories that visibly are tied to each other. So that you can make one heading with multiple headings inside like you can see in the example above.
But how does this work?
First of all, for everything I'm going to show you you'll need to open the steemit editor in Raw HTML Mode, this will give you the option to modify it however you want.
As an example, the normal code for the heading looks like this:
This means, that the text is displayed bold and nothing you couldnt do with the normal editor.
But if you want to make it a heading your code will need to look like this:
The <> indicated that you want to modify something, the h means you want to turn it into a heading and the one can be replaced with 2,3 and 4 which will change the size of it.
<h1> is the biggest heading for example.
</h1> and this means, that everything after it wont be part of the heading
If you would want to turn a word into a link to a website it works the same just with the letter <a> and needs a little modification in between the first <>
If for example we would like to make the word google clickeble so it directs you to the google site it would look like this:
<a href="">google</a>
The href in this case indicates, that everything between the two " needs to be an URL.
Sidenote: This also works with images