
I'll watch this after eating a little lunch. Thank you for posting!

I posted it because it's related with your post.

I figured that. Thank you, I'm on it!

He makes a good point or two but I'm wary of characters like this.

I don't like the illuminati gang sign he keeps throwing out there.


I also don't resonate with the aggressive new age way he's selling his ideas. I just wouldn't trust the messenger. It leads to moral relativism and dogma.

Don't see anything bad in his messages. Don't see anything new age here. Also don't see how this leads to moral relativism and dogma to be honest.

I wrote a book as a response but it was too wordy. Basically, I'm paying you respect and even though I don't resonate with that guy, I took the time to watch it and respond to you because I respect you. And even if we disagree, I appreciate that you care and that you took the time to read my blog and interact. Nothin' but love to you my brotha.

Of course always love.

Just saying that illuminati reference is ridiculous. His point about abundance are great in my opinion, so don't see what would name calling new ager mean in the end. Don't see how expressing his view of life is creating moral relativism and dogma. He didn't force anyone to come on his seminar or is forcing anyone to believe him.

BTW Bashar is entity from parallel universe speaking thru this body. This are not words from human. As he say their reality is different, so probably it little bit hard to convey the message way he want to. I tried to look for some short video where he explains how channeling is happening and how it all started. I found this one where he explain some of it (not in details because it's short clip):

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to convince you in anything. But after 5min of watching someone you can't say he is fraud. Yes I know there are some people who are liars, but doesn't mean they are all liars. To me Bashar/Darryl Anka are completely honest. My intuition is telling me that.

No worries, it's all good. You could be right. Cheers!