How to make your posts more popular or steemit and use seo optimization to hit the top

in #steemit7 years ago

Let's suppose that you wanted to post about ''money''. So you have to include the word money in the title of your post and in the discription few times to help seo optimization robots find your post, so not just people from steemit will find it, also other people from the web, that way you will make the website more popular and of course you will earn more from that post ! 


Source :

Also take care about the picture, find a very good quality picture that attract people and of course you have to find free picture, the first one is the most important because it will apear directly in steemit, if you want to know where to find free pictures you can read this article :  13 free ways to find high quality photos you can use on Steemit.

Also the good thing is to link your post with others, I mean to make people not just read your main post but move to other posts also, so you will be fully useful. 

The tags are also very important, try to use tags really related to your topic because the search engine will send you more traffic and it will be easier to find your content. 

The last and not the final thing in wrtiting your post, you have also to make good introduction, deep topic and breif conclusion, and don't forget in the end to ask people to follow, comment, vote and resteem because it helps a little also. 

I hope you like my article and you will follow @Clixmoney


