Minnows, your vote is worth more than you think!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I just up-voted a post that already had made about 353 dollars. It jumped up a whole dollar fifty. That is right MY up-vote was worth a dollar fifty. I own a whopping 4.9 SP. Payout to the author increases per minnow vote as the author gains more value on the post. If you see your favorite Steemian and want to reward them as a minnow, up-voting them after some whales have already up-voted is the way to do it!


your vote has the same impact on the final result regardless of when you vote. If you were the first to upvote as a minnow and saw no movement, then it gets upvoted to $500, removing your vote will see it go down by $1.50 or more.

Minnows can have a huge impact in separating the rewards of the top content.

It is unlikely that I will be put on the trending page, if I were to start to get whalevotes from money changers I think I would fall over, that being said, I'm only here for the permanent record, but I would still like to see the minnow math done, when my votes stop rounding down you will see minnow retention increase.
Please do the math to the 10th decimal so that our little votes don't get rounded down.
Or do I have a mistaken impression of what is happening?

As far as I know, whenever someone votes, the steem-price is updated from the pricefeed of the witnesses. When the steem-price changes, the expected payout also changes (even goes down) whenever someone votes on a post.
Besides that, I personally appreciate any vote (from minnows, dolphins and whales) as it shows that my post got noticed.

Mmm... that's steem meme! Lol