Tuck to ignore the "enemy"? No no no no.... He is on a "holy crusade" now!
He starts by attacking people using the "it's funny" excuse and then with his comments and actions he admits that he is actually on a vendetta, hypocrisy at it's finest! He has gone so retard that now he downvotes old irrelevant blogs as some kind of "revenge" to those that disagree with him and flag his nonsense childish behavior. It was not long ago when he attacked another user here just because he expressed his diferent opinion in his vlog.
Good luck to anyone that tries to reason with him...
I responded to you with valid information concerning the definition of a word you used improperly. Why does that make you upset?
Anyway, good news for all of us ... my agenda has apparently been accomplished!
What most of you are apparently unaware of is that Developers will usually not move a muscle to implement a feature when only a few people are complaining. But if you can create mass disruption among the entire user base ... well, those Developers now have a problem and they will move quickly to combat the issue.
And it only took only 72 hours of psychological warfare to piss you all off until you were complaining relentlessly and force that sociopath to request the block feature women have begged to have implemented for months ... yet the Dev's did nothing.
The good news is, I hear through the grapevine that Dan may actually be finally considering it or may have already begun work, but I've yet to confirm the information that was passed my way.
I hope @dan or @ned will confirm it here or anywhere. If that information was incorrect, well that is unfortunate and will truly show that this Dev team does not value users safety on this platform (that's me, forcing their hand again). ;)
If that information is true, it's funny that it took a giant man whining about harassment, because someone pointed out his abuse, to get the Dev's to move on this topic. Nevertheless, it sounds like success from the information I've been told!
Hopefully soon no one will ever have to put up with death threats, d0xing, intimidation, rape threats, flag wars or verbal abuse from fyrstikken or any other sociopath on Steemit in the future.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
That's a bot posting those pictures. I don't run the bot.
I only flagged back the fyrstikker clan that was (well you continue to no matter what) flagging my comments simply because you apparently don't like me pointing out abusers and you support people who make death threats and curse out women. Which says a lot about you and the others.
I still don't understand why you're so angry. But I do understand why angry people like you support people who make death threats and verbally abuse women.
So, you started harrasing people, posting pictures of dicks all over the place and abusing the flag system in order to "protect the women"?
How nice of you!
Someone else might get some better(more hardcore) ideas though! this time in order to "protect the childreen" from "nice" guys like you!
@cryspano you have to let it go, because this 'women protector' doesn't know what is doing. He just repeating few words like 'sociopath' and 'harassing'. I replied to his comments and still, I'm the one who must stop and I'm the one who is harassing him! He is lost in those two words and he can't find the way out. I know a short cut for him ' Stop saying nonsense words and move on, lulz!
the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do : behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel.
I maintain that it was pretty damn funny and nearly 200 people agreed. So show me where is the hypocrisy? Using humor to make a point or bring someones actions to the forefront is not hypocrisy. Nor did anyone do something they were telling another they could not do.
I don't have time or I'm in the mood to educate you dude, I don't know what your agenda is and you are behaving like this but good luck pursuing it, you will need it. My time to reason with you is over.
Well from looking at his sources and seeing how fyrst responded to @heiditravels, I can see he can be funny and also a hothead. Can't say he doesn't bring some value too. As for the sources Tuck brings up here...it is hard for me to dispute that Fyrst could probably benefit from kicking it down a notch.
But I have this weird feeling these two accounts are going to be battling regardless of what I say and likely don't care too much about my thoughts on the matter between them.
These two are meant to fight eachother----throughout eternity. At least both are over 9000...