If you have the votes, that is all that matters

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

rant start

I see a lot of people stressing about getting lots of votes but not much rewards, it is quite frankly becoming a bit annoying to me. Somehow some users feel they know which posts should be getting rewards and which shouldn’t. I have read absurd comments like:

> How did this meme get 800 bucks!


> Throwing balloons into the sea gets you thousands but my post only gets cents

Etc, etc etc… I see at least 10 of these bitching posts per day and I have even read people talking about quitting steemit!

To me it all comes down to one very natural but ugly human feeling: envy , it is a feeling we all have at times but it is a feeling you must fight and at the very least you should not let it out and tell everyone how jealous you are of other bloggers.

Bottom line is all steemians; Whales, Dolphins or Minnows will vote on whatever the hell they want and judging other people votes it’s not only stupid but also irrational, it’s basically saying that your way of thinking is the way everybody should think!

Remember just weeks ago when you spent hours at Medium and Reddit and you got nothing to show for it?... yeah that’s right you were happy blogging then, but somehow now you feel you deserve thousends!? Come on!!

rant stop

So, I want to finish this post on a rather happier note and give a sincere recommendation to everyone out there who is either feeling frustrated, angry or even abandoned by whales and dolphins:

“If you are getting votes, that is all that matters, it means that people like your posts and eventually a whale will like it too and vote for it. Just don’t stress and whine because that really won’t get you any love from anyone. Be yourself and write stuff you like because at the end of the day it is your blog”

Live and let live!

Note: This post was not meant to be a rant but I just couldn’t help myself while writing!

There are 2 pages

I don't know what does or does not deserve to be rewarded but I do know that many users are not enjoying Steemit because they are spending all their time trying to hit it big. I have found much more satisfaction and success commenting on submissions that I enjoyed. It's a big part of this platform.

I am a new Dolphin here, Good post and good comment, you both have my vote.
The 80% of the members only have 0.17% voting power here, the whales are developers, they don't have enough time to read every post and vote the good ones. It's the early stage for steem, as time goes by, more people will undestand cryptocurrency and have faith for it and will buy.
Be patient, it's just a matter of time.

@chitty i like this post , good luck

Upvote done

Always follows GOOD POSTERS

Bitching n down voting don't get you any where!!!


GAME ON 👍👍👍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
To da moon

Yes way much more fun than any other social network I've tried, and you can win money having fun reading and posting... what? yeah I couldnt believe it, but I'm enjoying it!.

as I have spent a lot of time for comments
but I am still pleased with the presence of steemit

Well put.

I agree. of course everyone wants to be a millionaire (teehee). but Not everyone has the skills or even the luck. Just enjoy and learn from the experience!

I've been making some posts with all original content from myself and has won just cents.. but I'm having fun doin' it.. I hope, someday i'll be rewarded for that! but until then, i'll just enjoy this community for what it is and not for what my greed and envy wants it to be!.

Sometimes we want something so much, that our greedy energy push it away... Envy is one of the most dangerous energies and life is very ironic when it comes to rewards.

This community needs more people like you.

Interesting to watch early seedlings grow like this. You can almost pick out the type of people that would end up going down the path of 'tyranny' about what should be upvoted and what shouldn't be to make it "more fair".

Coercing the behavior of others to behave "better" is the sort of silly shit we're trying to escape.

Some people just can't help but let their inner dictator channel through :)

Great writeup, @chitty!

HERE HERE! Share and share alike. No judgement.

Amen to that I am sick of these dirty money whores.

Just be yourself. Envy or jealousy should not arise in this community. Steem Is The Power!

I love this ha ha ha ha ha @chitty
Well played

You have said it so well! Bravo! That shud be the way.

Wtf, this post gets over $1.7k and not mine????
hint: joking

As time goes on the thousands of minnows will turn to dolphins and post will easily earn more. Stay strong and keep the faith!

Well, this is a big simplification. Guess most people like it that way, BUT
If you want to see how this steem stuff works visit:
Beyond the STEEM Whitepaper – Chapter 2

Beyond the STEEM Whitepaper – Chapter 1

What if posts were sorted by # of votes, instead of the $ amount? That would allow posts to go up by popularity vs whalarity.

I think that is what the #hot tag is for ;) I believe it is votes/time (but don't quote me on that)

It's all relative. If success on a platform was based on karma points, then that is what people would aim for. Here it is based on dollars, so that is what they aim for.

Would you be taking the same attitude if you weren't on a upvote bot-list? Here is a challenge for you - make a brand new account and spend a week trying to post without your legacy upvote support system. Then report back honesty whether you enjoyed it as much as you do with your "chitty" account.

well said


nice post!
cool thank you @chitty

I Agree with you, Using the platform is a learning process, "One does not simply "come to steemit and get big upvotes overnight, don't get upset, keep investing in Steem power, get the respect of a few members, upvote a little, have some connections with users and go from there.
Just relax, read the posts, participate... and Slowly but surely you'll get a better experience isn't it ?

Steems hard for the money. So hard for it, honey. She blogs hard for the money. So you better upvote right. =P

I completely agree @chitty, for example I was never into writing and this project has started to give me a big interest for this type of things. There's nothing better than doing something you develop a passion for and to be honest all I've been doing is reading and researching on how to become a better writer and blogger just because is a personal need I want to satisfy instead of worrying if I'm going to catch the big fish.

People need to stop with the bitching and whining and get to writing because I know that a lot of people out there like me are here to learn from the experienced ones but 90% of the users want to be a part of the result without going through the process!


and this is a test of how to make money writing nonsense

Nothing wrong with critical thought.
Or do you not believe in censorship?
Perhaps we shouldn't analyse voting systems, let's all stop "bitching" amiright?

Steemit is the best cryptocurrency funnel ever invented. When bootstrapping a currency, how can someone give it away for free while also convincing people it has value? This is the genius of this system. We're creating value (in our own minds and in the minds of others) by blogging. To me, it's about relationships. The more we build relationships, the more chance we have of getting our content noticed by people who appreciate it and also have vested interests in this network. Over time, if this succeeds long term, more people will have voting interests and those who quit now will be back because all their friends are here too wondering why people are blogging with 0% of reward everywhere else. I'll take my chances here. :)

Here, here.

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.”
-- Theodore Roosevelt

I usually say exactly o que you say, if you have a good contents is only matter of time before you explode.
If you have large breasts write steemit them and will turn success, now if you have own contents you will be much more than simple Mamas.

Just work on developing a following. The early adopters who are currently "minnows" are going to eventually become "dolphins" whose votes will be worth MUCH more in a few months. Today's "dolphins" will be tomorrows "whales". The early adopters are going to start accumulating some large amounts of Steem Power very quickly who will have much more voting power. Everyone just needs to be patient. There are going to be a lot more "dolphins" and "whales" on this platform in the not-to-distant future.

This is true, today's minnows are tomorrow's tuna. Thanks for your vote on my #awkward post.

You're a tough guy ! you have gone thing!

Nope, not envy more like frustration. I think every whale deserves his money and fame, but something needs to happen so that whales don't manipulate what WE see, and what they like is about steem instead of other minority topics completely unrelated.

Also what if whales who have over 1000sp just don't vote or better yet are limited to one vote per week? that would mean that the minnows can swim freely and smash that upvote with vigor because now they are the new whales.

Think on it.

I have commented on this topic EXTENSIVELY, and have nothing to show for it. You will get absolutely no reward of upvotes from whales and no responses from whales other than to say, "You're just a complainer". Which only serves to alienate those that have a different viewpoint. Money buys speech here, it's obvious.

And it is absolutely not about envy. That is the excuse those that have power or want power use to make it seem like those that don't agree with them are not worth listening to.

This community could be so much better, but the desire to hit critical mass ASAP and keep the platform alive literally censors free speech right in front of our faces. There is NO incentive whatsoever to say something that users perceive will harm their chances at making a lot of money.

Could someone that either writes better, thinks better, or is better than I am pick up the torch and get this message out? I'm seriously beyond frustrated trying to get people to hear this message.

Yes! Free speech. We Krills cannot contribute in our own little way so to speak because anything that isn't status quo ain't so pretty. Steem power is so directly linked to user contribution that is the problem, unless everyone who reads your post upvotes it or a whale does magic on it you won't get attention, which means no replies (the real value imo) therefore no debate or discussion.

It kinda sucks, and the only way for change is for everyone to start demanding it.

Very true! I am just a meager glass blower and the fact that anyone at all will upvote things I post is exciting enough. Anything else is just a bonus. It is like a big pat on the back, but with money instead of karma points lol :P

I have to say, with me being brand new here I am still learning my way around and learning how to post pictures properly as well. That being said there does seem to be a lot of interesting stuff on here. I have started my first blog ever about my retirement plans in Mexico. The reason that I decided to come here to do it was not so I can make some form of fictional money, (i have yet to grasp the financial benefit here), but rather to not get lost in a sea of millions and millions of other people that have been using fors such as Reddit for a long time. I am excited to share my thoughts and ideas and to get input from people all around the world and I felt this might be a good place to garner that input.

Is that the chick from Twilight in the first window? If so, I wish that bus had exploded when this picture was taken.

I agree. I used to post my drawings for free on Instagram (usually getting 1000++ likes that are basically without any real value), so why not post it on steemit as well - if I'm lucky I'll make some bucks, if not I haven't lost anything by posting. What we have here is a winwin situation, a great opportunity. I'll continue to make good posts about topics that interests me, as long as I keep getting some feedback I at least know that I'm doing something right, and I guess we'll see how it turns out in the long run. :)

I can appreciate your point! The idea that people were doing this for free earlier on other platforms is well taken.

However, some posts aimed at newbies will generally not get a lot of steem reward even if they get votes. Also, call it envy, but it's mildly annoying to see someone like @wang, who's never made a blog post, have over a million worth of steem for (mostly?) botting. I get that's the deal, he got here early and made the bot, but you have to acknowledge that it casts some doubt in new users minds about what is being rewarded on steemit.

I agree with @cryptobarry no reason to get upset, just enjoy, but extrinsic rewards often drive out intrinsic ones, so while I can understand the envy, I agree the two of you are on the right track.

This is what happens when you attract people with money incentives only. They care about the money and not about the rest. The owner wanted to make this platform more visible using a short path. That's a rookie mistake. If this was my platform i would have prefered to run it slower but with only good content, not with make a quick buck people around it.

So do it and all the whining people here will jump over to your clone and you will have a utopia. What is stopping you other than yourself?

Maybe the fact that to code a blockchain you need a bunch of good devs ?

Yes envy, but it's a human reaction and I'm asking to myself right now, wasn't a good idea if we could hide this $ everywhere , just like can hide our bank $ on poker sites?
You know, only to relax and play a little more loose :D

I post my content, but have nothing ^ ^ Although I have posts with good picture (my photos) It's just push me to think more and more about my content and one day i will create better posts than on my start :)

My full time job is helping authors promote themselves and their books. Your article is dead on. Exposure is exposure. Period.

I'm agree with you!
Can you help me fight against unfair on steemit #hate

Don't be envious and thrive, don't strive!

If you want to post just for info without anyone having the possibility to upvote you, use the #upvote-blocker tag.
For sure no envy anymore :D
Works really great the tag, i tried it. No whale voted :D
I liked the lottery comparison a lot which i read already several times, that` s exactly like i see crypto.
Like a saving account with build in lottery.
Honestly i` m happy about all the people getting money, that`s awesome when you all get rich because then the chances for some small crumbs for me aren` t that bad. :D
Even when i` m only paid cents for posting my photos here on steemit, on all other networks i got nothing.
Steemit is such an exciting place even when it sometimes seems unfair, but who cares. Was the world ever fair ? No, and it would be naive to expect fairness here.
It` s everywhere the same in my experience. If you offer something with value you will be rewarded somewhen. Sometimes you just have to be more patient.

I am new to steemit so this might be not quite right but imo writing a post with an aspiration to just make money of it is already wrong. Just be yourself, share your impression with community and have fun. If you are posting/reposting interesting or usefull content you`ll get your rewards sooner or later. Peace.

Very well said.

I can only agree! Keep up the good work!

Great post!

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