Hello Steemit users!
I have been documenting my pregnancy journey through social media and have recently started using Steemit in the past month as well.
One thing that has plagued me throughout the first half of my pregnancy is oily and acne prone skin. Though I have never had perfect skin, my breakouts have never been this bad or hard to clear up.

When you are pregnant, you should not use chemical acne products on your skin and natural remedies can be irritating to use since I personally feel like they take longer to clear up your face.
I have finally found a regimen that is working very well for me!
I first start out with washing my face with Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Foam Wash. This face wash does not dry my skin out, though my skin is very oily. There are also no harsh ingredients. You can find it at CVS, Walgreens and Target.

After washing my face and patting it dry I apply pure and organic aloe vera gel. I found some on Amazon that is 99.75% pure. You can purchase it here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KRJPE00/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Once the aloe vera is completely dry I apply Cetaphil Oil Control Moisturizer, which also contains SPF 30. This moisturizer is a bit greasy feeling but I find this one keeps my face from getting oily throughout the day and I am not using oil blotting papers as much. Probably only once a day instead of three or four.

I do this regimen every morning and night. In addition to this I also LOVE using Lush Fresh face masks! I usually mask two to three times a week. These "fresh face" masks can only be bought in store at Lush, as they are made fresh!
I love the Cosmetic Warrior and Catastrophe Cosmetic. They are both so fresh and I love the smell of the Catastrophe Cosmetic. With fresh blueberries, it is just so yummy! They both help reduce redness and minimize the size of pimples. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

this is very interesting
thank you
Great tips! Have you tried any other Lush products?
Yes. Rub rub rub an awesome body scrub and also great to use to wash your hair to add volume. I've tried Dark Angels and Herbalism cleansers as well. Dark Angels works very well for back and chest acne. Marilyn Hair Treatment is also another favorite of mine. I have natural blonde highlights in my hair and it keeps it looks vibrant and health. Also makes my hair so soft!
Ooh I will have to check those out :) I've enjoyed their shampoo bars, package free and I keep it in a travel tin.