This is fantastic. Thank you for linking my tabloid steeming article. I think it's a real concern and you spreading word as well is valuable.
I wanted to comment on a few things you brought up that stood out to me:
You brought up posting pictures or graphic(s) of some sort in your articles. I agree. I feel it's a good practice to avoid SUPER long blocks of text. Usually that isn't too difficult because you can place a relevant image after you have discussed a point of interest. And, then continue with your train of thought after the relevant picture.
Additionally, I also agree jumpy GIFS are very distracting to see in the feed. And not distracting in a good way. Furthermore, the constant using of the STEEM logo makes everything look the same. Lastly, i really don't think posting a mere MEME is usually going to be seen as quality content in and of itself.When curating, i also agree avoid the short "this is a good article " , "follow me and I'll file you" etc. Be real. My responses can generally be seen as informative if i feel i can add more factual knowledge to the convo. But , i also think "being real" and using your grown up words to explain your EMOTIONAL reaction to a post instead OF "oh this is sad" , "I'm Angry". Elaborate people!
Enough with the whiny posts - i read one from a new steemer " oh my account is only worth $10 " violin music
Seeing these whiny complaints is a turn off. Maybe ask for advice from other successful steemians. Maybe spend more time curating. Observe, learn, absorb. Also rome want built in a day people, it takes a while to build a solid reputation.
@chelsea88 agree with those, especially #1. As a natural born writer I get sucked in to having those long blocks of text. Might be a cool think to find a natural born artist and combine forces so both can express themselves and build a synergy. Hmmmm... :)
I feel you. I find myself deep in thought and I'm like wait, my readers need a picture. ;)
And hey, I'm all for synergistic efforts