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RE: Am I the Only One Excited About The Price of Steem?

in #steemit7 years ago

Nice to know I've got a fan so if i don't write back dont think I did that intentially just to diss you (The Eminem refferences today are glorious )

LOL my name is Ché. Didn't see the sense in having a handle when your name is already that short!


HAHAH omg that's funny. wow that almost sounds like a french name.
You live in south africa tho!! that's crazy! Are you born there?

Lol I’m named after Ché Guevara and don’t ask my why my surname is German! We’re so mixed I don’t know where my heritage comes from! Yes I live in SA and 100% proudly South African born and bred!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow I just had to google his name!!!
That's crazy, you have special blood then;)
It's funny because in your tiny picture I can swear you don't look African 🙊 🙈

LOL that’s hilarious! Don’t worry I get it quite a bit when I’m traveling, but yeah we Africans come in all shapes and sizes! Here’s a better picture

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow you look great!!!
you almost have a lil oomph (LOL what is that word im so awkward 😂) of latino!!!
but it's a great thing lol i feel so awkward when i ask ppl on here their name and age haha i feel like im too intense:P but ya I like to put a face and a name and get to know the people I interact with almost daily!:)
When I meet cool ppl like you on here it reminds me how much steemit brought into my life! I have no social media anymore, only steemit, and never been happier to have it that way!💖

No I’ve only travelled to Europe, Asia and in Africa! I’d love to see North America eventually, I do have a cousin in Canada but we never speak, maybe it’s time I do LOL

😊 awwww thanks I’ll take that as a compliment! It is pretty weird people tend to like their anonymity on steemit and I can totally get that as long as you have good intentions I’m not too phased about your person details, and if I do we keep that to discord, WhatsApp or telegram😏

I’m the same since I’ve really stated to find my groove on steemit I’ve abandoned all other social media and don’t miss it one bit, I love it here! Everyday I find something cool and meet amazing people like you

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow this is epic! Would love to hear about your travels! I wonder which countries you visited in Africa and Asia (two faves continents I'd love to visit and hear all about:))
I've never been to Africa, my sister went to Senegal though.

But man... what can I say about Africans.... they are my absolute favorite people in the world. 💜 last year I was working with guys who came from Rwanda. They were the kindest, purest and most optimistic people I ever came across. 💛
One of the guys actually saw his dad die in front of his eyes as a children during the genocide.
I heard the most heart wrenching stories. And it was so hard for me to believe that such cruelty can be done from humans to humans. But also, I could not comprehend how these guys were the most resilient, brave and kindest people I've ever met. 💗
One day I want to visit Africa, there is absolutely no doubt on that.

hahaha it's so funny man it's been too long I've heard of WhatsApp I need to get my hands on it LOL im still on messenger even tho im off fb. Telegram damn never heard of that one! All I know is that telegram is the thing they used to use back in the days LOL.

And you are just too sweet man I'm so thankful for you! 💙
it's just that much more fun when I interact with you!
(still dying over that Tai Lopez picture lol showed everyone on messenger LOL jks or not LOL)

im dying about the cousin in Canada part. Where in Canada does he live tho? I'm curious!:)

(holy.... just realized I sent you a full book to read LOL what can I say... you're 2 cool for skool i had to write u a big telegram 😏)

Have you ever been to Canada?😘
I had to ask!
Montreal is my homebase 😎