I agree some may find that they just don't need to use a site anymore and some may look for solice elsewhere. I just think that even if a small % of those millions of G+ users find their way to steemit it could really give the site a bump up in activity and maybe even retention.
Maybe Google Plus shutting down and giving more attention to their malfeasance will help wake some more people up.
And the fact that facebook is facing the same issue will perhaps push people who were on the fense that still used social media to drop it and look for alternatives. Unfortunately steemit is not well the most marketed site ever, you kinda find it by word of mouth from what i've experienced and heard about from others
Indeed, I heard about Steemit from another user on Minds. Cross promotion on these alternative social media sites is a key to the success of all of them, in my opinion. Of course, Steemit needs to deliver a good user experience for people who do show up, and that has been a bit rough from what I have heard lately. I might more avidly advertise for this site once they fix more of the known issues and create better onboarding procedures.
Oh wow, never heard of minds, is it simliar to steemit? Hows things working out for you on that site? Is it also about earning crypto for conent? or more just a decentralise platform for uncensored views?
I agree onboarding is rough and the learning curve is terrible, ive gone through it myself and have had 4 people ive tried to help get into it and its hard to keep them motivated and see the light. Often times i question how I even got this far because I had no help lol my first 50 posts i got zero payouts i didnt know wtf i was doing
Minds is quite a bit different from Steemit. It's possible to earn Minds Tokens, their version of Steem, but the actual monetization of that is a bit murkier. I think you can indeed exchange them for money, but the exchange rate isn't great and it's not really the typical use for a token. The main thing people use tokens for is boosting, where your post gets a guaranteed number of views on what is called the boostfeed, a feed of non-subscribed content on everyone's feeds. You can disable this on your own feed just like you can disable ads on other platforms, by signing up for Minds plus. It's worth noting you can also pay for Minds plus with tokens.
So, you basically get the option to advertise on their platform by earning and spending tokens, 1000 views for each. It's really great because it helps break out of the normal bubble one can sometimes find themselves in online, both in getting your content noticed and finding other people with interesting content.
I personally enjoy the site quite a bit, though I haven't made as much cryptocurrency there. You could always check it out, maybe read the faq for more information.