Hey guys
Please go to 36 minutes 35 seconds in (36.35) and listen to what Clif says about Steemit
Your thoughts please as I am more than curious.
And dont forget to...
Please go to 36 minutes 35 seconds in (36.35) and listen to what Clif says about Steemit
And dont forget to...
Haven't heard of him but even a stopped clock on the wall is right two times a day. I recommend everyone do their own analysis.
My thoughts exactly....thanks for weighing
I am a fan of Clif High, he has a youtube channel and posts once or twice a month. You guys should check out his videos, he is not always spot on but is quite smart.
Agreed, he is entertaining
who is he and why should I care what he says?
why we care about what other says, everybody should go by their own analysisRight sir @everittdmickey
Whether you like him, know him or not....is what he is saying valid, is my point?
dunno...i don't do video's (much)...it has to do with a paranoid concern with subliminal propaganda techniques...I prefer text.
TL; DL (too long, didn't listen)
Jedi mind tricks do not work on me! I learned from http://subliminalmanipulation.blogspot.co.uk/
Im with ya on that one, always worring about manipulation of any type.
What he is saying in short is he feels that steemit has not real legs as it has no revenue stream...
Thanks for weighing amigo
I've got some of that revenue stream in my savings account...
I've got a thousand bux of it in coin base...and I'm transferring it a hundred bux at a time .
(I'm paranoid...like I said...instead of sending the whole 'lump'...i send pieces...if something goes wrong I lose a piece...not the whole thing.)
The key is that he said "Steemit has long legs" meaning that it isn't going away anytime soon.
His predictive language looks into which cryptos will be around for awhile and the moves that they will make.
He says that MANY of them will disappear during the hyper-inflationary period coming up shortly, and people will lose lots of money on those ones.
But he says that Steem will still be around.
I have his report, and don't want to give too much away because you are supposed to pay for it ...
but it shows that Steemit will do okay,
not as good as several others that he talks about, but it is still in the picture.
It's funny, because there is another coin that he says have every reason to "croak" called Pepecash (it's based on a frog meme) that is going to do well despite every reason not to.
So, what he is saying in this video is that her personally doesn't like the idea of behind Steemit coin, and doesn't understand how it has value, so it's not one he would invest in. He is not saying that it will do horribly though.
Perhaps he has not read up a lot on the reasoning behind creating Steem and Steemit and how the bloggers time and creations are the value. Just because you don't understand why or how something works, doesn't mean that there isn't value.
Thank you for your clarification..
I tend to agree with you in the sense that he may not fully understand it, not many understood bitcoin either.
Plus he has been wrong on his metal prediction for quite a few years.
Thanks again
Interesting but I do see a lot of value in Steemit. It depends what we create.
My thoughts as well, but nice to start a conversation so as I can learn what others think, as steemit is about togetherness
We need to make efforts to do something useful with Steemit while we can.
Yep, he has admitted he's not always right either.
Yes your right about that, he has been predicting $600 oz silver since 2003...
Who is Clif High? I Don't know he.
Just one of the many fortune teller that pretend to know what tomorrow holds and charges his followers good money for it....
Ah ha! he was fortune teller! I undederstand.
Thats great, thank you friend
Clif High is fairly well-known in certain 'financial' circles. He's a prepper/doomsayer and seems to me to be a "silver pumper." He made a big prediction about SIlver spiking significantly upwards in the last week of May, 2017. It did not happen, at all. Of course, he always hedges around EVERYTHING he supposedly "predicts" - so he's always got himself an "out" if something doesn't happen the way his program predicts that it will.
Yeah a little wiser than Bo Phony but not by much....
I'm on it, happy Sunday.