What do you know about gold?
If you didn't connect any dots from the title, gold is a great store of value. For those that might not know what this means.. Lets compare gold to a currency like the U.S Dollar. How much is $1.00 worth? You might think.. well that's a dumb question, its worth.. $1.00. Well the value can fluctuate. In a not so good scenario, the value of one Dollar could be nothing. The value of a dollar can be easily manipulated.
We can and always will be able to print and create infinitely many more Dollars. Its paper.
Now let's dive into gold. Gold is a precious metal, and we cannot "print" more gold. This automatically makes gold more valuable. There is a very limited and finite supply of gold on this earth, and there will never be any more created. I came across a pretty cool example. To put how much gold exists into perspective.. all of the gold in the world, if formed into a giant cube would not cover a tennis court. It would actually be two meters short.

Wouldn't it be great if there was an easy way to invest in gold? It would be even cooler if we could use gold and spend it just like we do dollars. I mean who wouldn't want to take advantage of a more secure and stable asset like gold and use it as a currency?

GoldMoney. Have you heard of them? They make everything I just mentioned possible. Their goal is to make gold and precious metals accessible to anyone. With a Goldmoney online account, you can securely invest in precious metals that will be held in your name and in secure and insured vaults. With a Goldmoney Holding you can physically redeem gold bullion bars or coins at Goldmoney branches, and spend or withdraw cash directly from your Holding with the Goldmoney Prepaid card. Goldmoney offers more security than traditional bank accounts, and has lower risks and costs than owning precious metals ETFs.
If Goldmoney doesn't sound like your style, then you should check out Menē. When most people think of jewelry, they don't think of preservation of wealth...Atleast I don't(unless its a huge diamond that jewel thief's attempt to steal in a movie)

Menē is 24 karat investment jewelry. This jewelry is unique because it is both beautiful and serves as a store of value and investment. Other jewelry you buy elsewhere is most likely not made to preserve wealth. With Menē you know exactly what you are buying and investing in. When you purchase Menē you will know the exact weight in gold , and receive a Certificate of Authenticity that will include the weight.
Here!Shout out to @goldmatters. You all should go follow his page. This post is to spread awareness about GoldMoney and Menē. He also does awesome giveaways and gives back to the community. This very post is actually an entry to his latest contest! Go check it out
Start investing and preserve your wealth today.
Menē 24K Investment Jewelry

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Have a great day, and Steem on.
I don't know how I would feel about wearing my Store of Value on my person where it could be lost or stolen. but that's a personal preference and this is certainly an option for some people.
Well I could agree with you on that. It's not for everyone but..
People spend tons of money on jewelry and wear it. This jewelry may or may not come with a Certificate of Authenticity, and you may or may not know actually know the weight of gold. So if people are spending money on jewelry, why not preserve that money and buy Menē? If you are window shopping at Dillards or Macys, your not going to know the actual weight in gold your getting.
This little counter argument was geared towards people who already spend money on jewelry. I know it's not everyones cup of tea.. or coffee :)
Thanks for your reply!
that's a great point, if you are going to spend on jewelry, might as well spend on the kind that comes with a guarantee of sorts ...
Great answer :)
Thank you. It's been a pleasure researching Goldmoney and Menē! I've learned a ton.
The next time I get my wife gold jewelry, hands down it will be Menē. :)
It thrills me to hear this! I think she will love it :) My wife loves her choker and her cuff :)
Also I don't know if you noticed but I just realized I did a shoutout to @goldmoney which is fine, but I meant to put @goldmatters! Just fixed that haha.
Edit: I checked the goldmoney page, it seems to be not related at all. So I guess it wasn't fine! Oops! Glad I caught it though.
:)... for clarity ... Goldmoney is the company and there is an official steemit account here @goldmoney-inc. Goldmatters is my personal name and brand :)
Hey brotha!
Niagara Falls Meet-up if you're in the hood! :D
you always have great content