Hello Steemer's Anonymous I'm Justin and I'm addicted to Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Holy hell,  what a crazy 72 hours it has been.  From when I first started just reading posts here to my first few posts its been one crazy ride and I can honestly say I'm addicted to Steemit.

For quite a few years I've been hooked on Reddit and check it multiple times throughout the day.  Whether its on their mobile app or on the computer it seems like any time I have some down time I found myself logging into Reddit, but not anymore.  From the time I was introduced to Steemit I found myself replacing my time spent on Reddit with reading posts here, and it only got worse once I started posting.  Wake up in the morning, check and see how my posts are doing, waiting for coffee or lunch check my posts again, pretty much any time I had 5 min to spare I was checking my posts and reading new posts.  So what makes this so addicting compared to other places like Reddit or Voat?

One of the bigger things that hooked me in the beginning.  The quality of posts seems to be on a level much higher then other places.  Don't get my wrong other places have some great posts and we get our fair share of cat and dog pictures but overall the quality of the posts here seem to be on a totally different level.  I know all of us are searching for that one magical post that will attract a whale or even better whales but we've all managed to keep our posts to what seems to be a higher quality.  Just please for the love of god can we keep dickbutt out of here.

And then comes the monetary aspect.  For me I know its part of what I've loved watching fluctuate.  Writing posts is like the same thrill as scratching off a lottery ticket, but with a sense of control of your outcome.  We're all hoping to hit it big with a post, something that will blow up to epic proportions. That drive and the search for the golden post shall we call it seems to be what equally drives the quality of posts.  But I'm sure the one question in everyone's mind is will it last.

To me the answer is yes.  There is such a assumed symbiotic relationship between the quality of posts and monetary gain that I feel even as the community grows and the distribution of SteemPower balances there will always be those who just joined the community and are searching for their own whales.  And with that there will be more whales that will end up spreading the monetary gain.  

So I will continue to enjoy my addiction, admittedly its probably the healthiest of all my quirks, and will continue to contribute and watch as we grow to something great.