I Got Drunk and Made $400 Dollars on STEEMIT and YOU CAN TOO! Here's How...

in #steemit9 years ago

Its about 11:00PM Friday night, and I'm 4 beers deep pre-gaming before going out to the city to meet up with friends. I somehow get into a conversation with my brother about WikiLeaks, and then it hits me - "I should make a post about this on Steemit!"

So that's what I did. It took me all of 5 minutes to write and post.

Very little thinking involved; completely stream of conscience.

I posted it, took a walk to the local WaWa, came back, and it hit $100. I refreshed the page... BOOM - $300 bucks. Wow!

This is my most successful post, and I'm going to give you the run down of how I formatted it. Copy this formula for great results (probably) Ready? Here it goes!


Duh. Once you've got that liquid creativity flowing through your veins and mucking up your brain, you're good to go. Remember, many great writers were alcoholics (Hunter S. Thompson, Ernest Hemingway!)

Make It Anti-Government!

The folks on Steemit seem to like Anarchy and Libertarianism, and have a deep distrust of big government. Put some of that in your post, and you're well on your way to appealing to these readers.

Champion Liberty and Personal Freedoms

This goes hand in hand with the Libertarian thing. Big gov goes against personal freedom - that's a no-no. The great readers of Steemit believe the individual is always in control of their own destiny. I'm inclined to agree. Talk about this in your post, and you're hitting a key demographic twice. NICE!

Conspiracy Stuff

This is like, the chemical X in the mix (shout out PowerPuff Girls). It's either hit or miss. You can browse the conspiracy tag to see what I'm talking about. However, connect a few threads, yada-yada-yada (Seinfeld reference), you got yourself something that can kind of make sense if the reader doesn't know enough to dispute it. I talked about #Globalism in my post.

Have Another Beer!

Because, why not?


I'm gonna be honest with you - no one on Steemit has the secret recipe to getting a post to the front page of trending. I certainly don't, I'm just here to be satirical and sarcastic. Good content is completely subjective, and to think you can generalize an entire community like I did above (reiterating satirically) is probably about as helpful as technical analysis of a brand new coin.

So, my advice to those looking to hit it big on Steemit - crack open a cold one, write something really quick, hit post, and HAVE FUN! That's why we're all here isn't it!

Thanks for reading! Have a good day!
Here is the post in question. https://steemit.com/politics/@cashbandicoot/wikileaks-needs-to-post-on-steemit-julian-assange-needs-to-post-on-steemit-to-keep-real-journalism-alive

I enjoyed your post, mainly because I enjoy the laid back attitude and straight forwardness. I think you're onto good something when you say to enjoy yourself during the writing process. How else are we going to keep things free-flowing and expansive if we don't mix in a little joviality and fun?

Thanks @nexusvortex I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I think that a lot of people are getting swept up in the idea that if they write a masterpiece of a post, they will get a lot of money. It's not always the case though. I read amazing posts every day that just go unnoticed unfortunately.

So my advice is, just have fun with it, go with the flow. So long as you had fun writing the piece, it won't matter how much money you get!

will weed do ?

Oh, of course! In fact, it would probably be healthier haha.