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RE: To my fellow Steemers

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

One interesting part of STEEM is the seven day payout system, STEEM POWER power-up locking mechanism and the SBD Savings Account mechanism.

I feel that these parts of the system heavily slow-down panic selling while never truly "locking" funds. It simply gives a nice buffer to users.

For example, I cannot physically cash out of STEEM right now at a moments notice. If I were to, I would have to power down and cash out a little bit weekly over thirteen weeks. These market crashes can't really be gamed as easily here. Instead, because I know timing the market is pretty impossible, I just keep riding it out. I think a lot of people who may normally run during a drop in price in other community's don't here because of these mechanisms.

Another thing is, because of the seven day payout mechanism, you can't really predict the $USD payout value until you are physically being paid out. When planning your posts and everything, you don't get to think in terms of $USD, you're kinda forced to think in terms of STEEM/$SBD, which I think keeps the mood up. People may complain that the SBD payout display slowly goes down over the week, however it definitely feels more stable that way than thinking in terms of $USD and seeing your post payout fluctuate daily so much.

That's one thing I love about STEEM is I feel the platform did a good job of aligning people socioeconomic goals are a whole. Glad to see things working so smoothly over here while the market enters a dip :)