Some Bloggers are AFRAID of Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Those who adapt first reap the rewards.

(Seen here^ businesses who utilize Pokemon Go are increasing their revenue)

In the fast paced world of internet and smartphones, it seems every day there's a new craze to get swept up in. It's hard to keep up with every new app and every new feature that could be the next big thing, so many simply give up! A great example is Snapchat, which is now has more traffic than Twitter, and for a blogger to focus energy on Snapchat is now a no brainer. Those who got good at marketing themselves on the new platform had the greatest results and will continue to get better due to their time invested. "Steemit" now in the Beta phase, is a hub for excited entrepreneurs and is growing exponentially in users and content.

Hilariously, at this very moment while I write this post the site is encountering problems due to high traffic. I told a friend about it last night and he had to enter his email for a waiting list just to join the site... This is nuts! This is the wild west, the beginning of something amazing. This is the early days of facebook, or the clunky early 2000's "interweb" where the raddest new sites were found through word of mouth.

Embrace Change

I know a man who has spent years developing a blog with many contributors and has organized advertising and has staff who operate the site. I spoke with him yesterday on messenger and told him all about Steemit and linked him to my first article. He was excited and thought it was great! But then... He seemed upset. He said Steemit would draw people away from blogs, essentially "killing" them. Knowing what I know about entrepreneurs and the fast paced world of business and the internet, I instantly replied: "You MUST adapt" (I feel weird saying stuff like that because he's 10 years older than me and many times more experienced in the world of blogging) but I think I'm on to something here, here's why.

The people I study the most like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are all early adopters of new ideas. These successful people are readers, life long students, and understand they must remove their egos from their craft. Zuckerberg's Facebook motto was "Move fast and break things", encouraging programmers to "ship" out their new ideas immediately and test how the public reacted. The reason why a blogger or business person could be deterred from using Steemit is the feeling of "Starting over" being rejected, or having nothing. In the information age, nothing stays the same for too long, the world has adopted that mentality "Move fast and break things" I can see in the near future Steemit adopting a layout more like Facebook's, more user friendly and full of sharing options - profiles for people, direct messaging. That's the natural progression of a modern website, it will change rapidly before our eyes, and that's why it's exciting to me!

My main message here is, stay ahead of the curve. Bill Gates isn't sitting back relaxing on a beach while Microsoft runs itself. He's busy reading books about artificial intelligence daily so he can implement his knowledge into the future of his business. Embrace change, and make it work for you, do not let fear stop your progression. If there's one thing I've learned from my mentors, it's that if you create something you care about that people value, you will be successful. Chasing money will never bring you as much wealth as creating a valuable product will. I hope passionate bloggers like my friend accept the changing landscape and embrace Steemit for the wonderful platform that it is. If you bring your passion, this site will show you love, you might even be able to live off of that passion. Thank you Steem gods.

Carson out


People are always skeptical when something new arrives. It's the early adopters who lead the way.

Love what you wrote "This is nuts! This is the wild west, the beginning of something amazing."