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RE: Steemit ROI: What's Your Time Worth?

in #steemit8 years ago

I think the biggest thing to take into account if you want to do an accurate ROI calculation for Steemit is whether or not time spent on Steemit is taking the place of time previously spent on other social media platforms (e.g. Facebook or Reddit) that had zero ROI. In my case every minute spent on Steemit has been an almost perfect one for one substitution for minutes that I used to spend on Facebook - minutes spent browsing other peoples posts, minutes spent commenting, minutes spent crafting my own posts.

I don't know your social media / blogging history so I can't say if this is the case for you - maybe you didn't spend any time on Facebook, or maybe you still spend the same amount of time on Facebook and have added Steemit. These are all things that would impact the ROI. But if Steemit is replacing Facebook and paying anything it is absolutely worth the time investment.

The other big thing to take into account is that ROI for Steemit will increase over time, maybe not exponentially, but it will increase nonetheless. The exact same posts that are earning you a dollar now with 278 followers might be earning you $5-10 with a thousand followers. You have to keep this in mind when calculating ROI - the return is going to increase the longer you keep at it.


Very honest response @carlgnash! These are the interactions that keep me hesitantly coming back.

Therein lies the issue...I really don't invest significant time in any other social media platform. Almost anything I post is automated for the very purpose of time efficiency. I have a visceral and judgmental reaction to anyone who spends significant time thumbing through the fake filter bubble of Facebook. you make a fair point about the increase over time (though I'm not sure it's exponential), but again, simply posting good content doesn't necessarily lead to 1k followers. That said, I agree that if it's your intention to build a fan-base, it makes a ton of sense to do it on a platform that gives back. Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

No problem @tayken - you seem like an interesting guy and willing to engage in an honest conversation yourself - so I vote selfishly that you should stay active here in Steemit.

To that end I am giving you a bellyrub, a randowhale and sharing some lovejuice - they should be crashing the party soon.

I hope I'm not coming on too strong LOL JK

Stick around :)

@bellyrub is a new one for me, but it feels like a gentle touch ;)

I'll still hang around, rub bellies, exchange pleasantries, and partake in the occasional mental joust...but I may just have to take my foot off of the posting pedal.

Appreciate you, and not at all. If you were a lady, I'd be inclined to buy you a drink 🥃

Thinking about the rewards only is not conducive to building friendships.