
You're damaged. Way to destroy the last shreds of credibility you had by spamming abuse and destroying your own rep. GG

Is this self sabotage because you realise you don't have the skills to do what you've been bragging about for ages ? Again ?

Either focus on calibrae or stfu , spamming like this is only eroding the tiny bit of support you had left here.

So I popped in your chat room and immediately see this -

Sounds like a relapse. I hope he gets help...

Bro, where you ben at?!?!? We ned you! we need ur prevcius upvpotes haha im getting SO hungry for more bitcoin i have major fomo now i need to save up becaue I HAD 1 BTC back when i had altcoins on poloniex, i had 1 BTC worth of altcoins, i should have sold em all for btc when itw as worth 1 btc, my poftolio crashed to like now .3 BTC and its so sad, i ned to ork my way back up! im like 1/3rd on my goal to getting 1 Bitcoin again but man , i am gona sytart commenting hadcore again!
heres something to make u smile, heres the graph for steem for last 3 months (Shit steem down 9 percent right now to $1, ehh that wont make u feel so good lol

IU think a lot of peopel waiting to buy steem til JUST now when its $1
and steem is now going to $2 watch

it imight just kep going siodeways, who knows, oh ekll, we will see, it would suck to have all this ,oney saved and have to watch it go to nothing, i dpoubt it

we need a massive marketing campaign tho

to just let our system slide to such low numbrs like this, when someusers have enough to spend on marketing campaign and youtube vidos cmapigns, i wish they would spend more of their hoarded up steem on actualy helping the privce go back up by gaining new users toinvest in steem like it an ICO!

hi @gigafart, i need some help from you

@gigafart, why I can not enjoy your post again friends

Where you been gigafart???

and here I was thinking calibrae could be the start of something good... this is kinda sad!

You think that after being flagged to shit by bernie after he posts an inflammatory post insulting other people, gives a person no reason to be angry?

Noganoo thought about it, and decided it was a dumb idea because it would hurt innocent people. I cooled down, and I decided that I had to stop drinking, again.

You will absolutely not get my participation in your crusade against anyone, when you have the dirt on your conscience about letting powerful witnesses use the threat of withdrawing support for your witness, to stop you supporting nog. Clean out that log in your eye before you start talking about my splinter.

You are letting yourself be corrupted by corrupted people. I had hoped you would be above that, but sadly, you obviously are not.

You speak of things you do not understand, my lack of support for nog has nothing to do with my witness position. He attacked my family, he's attacked the network, he's a manipulative lying piece of shit and your a moron if you believe anything he says.

you keep telling yourself that, and the pangs of guilt will go away, i promise.

Keep implying I'm corrupt with zero proof, or even a clear idea of what I'm supposed to have done. It's totally helping your cause and definitely won't end with me nuking your account.

Nuke away.

I have found a technical flaw and I am posting about it, maybe you can pass it on to your friends at Stinc, that the chain can be attacked by a flood of comments and votes, to shut it down temporarily, and possibly, permanently, if the attack is sustained long enough. I am pretty sure there is absolutely no defences against this, so you shut down my account, and I'll sit back with the popcorn after some angry users who are sick of the corrupt shit of this chain, with bots launching a massive distributed flood attack.

It's not gonna be me doing it, for starters, nor would I be legally liable, to continue, and you, and the rest of the in group, will be left with no way to sell your ill-gotten tokens, and nobody to sue about it.

I have already said bye to any chance of me having any significant further income via this system, which is fine, and why when I did finally manage to earn a few thousand euros, I made sure I had other arrows in my quiver.

You think I am attacking you personally, and you also think that I am supporting someone who is malicious. For starters, I'm not supporting them, I am working with them because they share my disgust at what goes on here, I have analysed many of the myriad of flaws in this system, and nobody has been paying my observations due heed.

Attacking me is just going to accelerate the demise of this platform, so, go right ahead.

I'm terrified. If you've got an exploit do it, so we can fix it and move on.

I'm sick of your bullshit threats and FUD, if this attack is happening its gonna happen regardless of me pretending I give a fuck about your little project here.

Again, either produce something of value or STFU.

Stop fucking around on reddit, plotting attacks against Steem and spreading noganoos lies. It's not helping your cause at all.

screw this, muting this troll

This happened aready, with like 3-5k bot accounts going at it for a week or so, and no hiccups, other than findng and fixing a bug that allowed that to happen.

BILAL HAIDER ! That troll gets around

Stop flagging yourself man.

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bilalhaider and noganoo - NOT COOL!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment