The problem is following people without a solid reason except for the hope that they follow you back to return the "favor". This is indeed something to advice against.I also feel that it is rigid to say to not follow more people than #insert a figure#. If I'm interested in multiple topics and there are quite a few people publishing relevant quality content, then why shouldn't I follow 500 people. If I'm OK with not always spotting the most useful posts, but like to be fed with more or less randomly-picked posts that I then decide to focus on - and this is what would happen if each of the 500 people published one article per day and my attention span probably sufficing to scan through 100 posts a day - then why not.
The problem is following people without a solid reason except for the hope that they follow you back to return the "favor". This is indeed something to advice against.I also feel that it is rigid to say to not follow more people than #insert a figure#. If I'm interested in multiple topics and there are quite a few people publishing relevant quality content, then why shouldn't I follow 500 people. If I'm OK with not always spotting the most useful posts, but like to be fed with more or less randomly-picked posts that I then decide to focus on - and this is what would happen if each of the 500 people published one article per day and my attention span probably sufficing to scan through 100 posts a day - then why not.
I understand wanting to follow more people and we also both agree on the consequences :)