So now you presume to know how I treat my family & that I am MOST EVIL to them, per you?
1st you infer that I am an ANTI-SEMITE. Then when you are informed that I come from a jewish family, still knowing nothing about my personal life- you then INFER that I must be opne of those EVIL JEWS who is EVIL to all his JEWISH Relatives.
You simply can not admit you made a wrong Presumption in the first place when you stated I was AGAINST ISRAEL & A GLOBALIST.
Instead you seek to SLANDER me Further with LIES.
For the record one thing I am is HONEST. That is the ONLY THING I Steadfastly Maintain is my Honesty.
I do hold many views that are Considered Politically Incorrect & Rasict by some. So If you had pointed those out, I would not say you were MISTAKEN or LYING About me.
But with what you have written here- YOU ARE both MISTAKEN & LYING about me.
Have you ever been to Israel? So you KNOW personally on the Ground HOW the Israelis treat each other?
I know for a MOTHER F@CKIN FACT the Jewish Israelis do everything they can to EXPEL as many of the Black African Jews out of Israel as they can. I also Know for a MOTHER F@CKIN FACT from EXPERIENCE How the Israeli Jews of European Descent TREAT like INFERIORS the Israeli Jews from the ARAB COUNTRIES! Let alone the Black African Jews. TALK ABOUT HARDCORE R-A-S-I-C-M!
I may spout Unpopular Political Views, But One thing I never do is to LIE or Intentionally Mistlead anyone. Also when I am wrong or mistaked I WILL ADMIT IT.
I am 100% Correct when I write that ISRAEL is a HARDCORE RACIST Country & Wished to EXPELL all NON-WHITE JEWS, As Many as they CAN!
You write about the HOLOCAUST as if you personally lived through it. I do not know if you did or did not. My own Father, Grandfather, and several Uncles actually FOUGHT IN WW2. Do not bring up the Holocaust with me & make any Inferences that I am a JEW HATER & somehow Responsible for The Holocaust. MOTHER FUCKER! My father was jewish, I have jewish Relations living in Israel, My family fought in WW2, other's also HAPPENED to ESCAPE RUSSIA around the Time of the Russian Revolution- when the Bolshevieks- mostly JEWS went on their Killing spree and starved Millions in the holodomor.
You are an anti-semite strictly because you think you have some right to point out Israel's flaws rather than some other country. - because your father decided to abandon his own people gives you some right to criticize them?
Anyone vocal on Israel alone has an agenda. _ ignoring Arab Terrorism makes you putrid.
I have been to Israel twice, I married into a non-white family from Morocco
My father and my grandparents experienced the holocaust first hand.
Who the fuck are you again? Some little kid commenting on shit he knows nothing about.
Those 38,000 AFRICANS came to Israel illegally and are committing crimes.. Much like your illegal Mexicans.. oh and they are NOT JEWS
PS I would love for your head to be hit by a ROCK you stupid piece of drek! When they run over Jews where's your MEME.. when they stab Jews where's your MEME, when they fire MORTARS and ROCKETS where is your MEME.
Propoganda. You are garbage. Your father fought for nothing because he created filthy spawn that LOVES the people that would have him slaughtered in any Arab or European country.
The ramblings of a fucking psycho.
hahaha, she is the antichrist, the end is near.