Almost five months have passed since I joined Steemit, and the results -- if I may just keep it real -- were rather chaotic. Nothing is more brilliant, nor more maddening, than the Steemit platform, and its burgeoning STEEM cryptocurrency.
For this post, I'm just going to focus on the positives, and say that Steemit is incredibly useful for attracting much attention (on Steemit). That is, the followers you get on Steemit largely only benefit you on this platform. Transferring of popularity to other social media networks rarely works out well.
That said, I do appreciate that you can gain a quicker following via STEEM than you can on YouTube, Facebook, or any number of competing sites and apps. To give you a quick example, I really haven't paid much attention to my STEEM footprint, yet suddenly, here I am with over 900 followers!
To achieve that in 5 months time is absolutely incredible, and almost impossible for what I do. Whether you like my stuff or not, I create genuine, authentic media products. I do not prance around like a douchebag, throwing silly gang-signs as if I was "street," or do smooch-selfies in a pathetic attempt to conjure up non-existent Italian heritage.
Instead, I do honest work. If I see risk in silver valuation, I'll call it -- I won't go into a diatribe about banking cartels and buying silver at any price. To me, one of the strangest aspects of social media and the internet is that if you lie small, people hate you. If you lie big, however, your every utterance is sacrosanct. I suppose this is how flat-earth theory and the religion of "peace" have become so popular.
As an example of how difficult it is to achieve honest success on a mainstream platform like YouTube, I currently have 904 subscribers that took me three years or so to attain. Now that's pathetic (to a degree)! But in the context of honest content creation, this rate is about normal, if not a little on the slow side.
And here's the main point of my post -- never have my Steemit account and my YouTube account been so close in followership. When will Steemit overtake my YouTube account? Within this month? Within this week? Perhaps, inside this 24-hour cycle...
I'll admit that I have mixed feelings about Steemit overtaking my YouTube subscriber base. Although I appreciate the relatively quick success I achieved on STEEM, I've been able to reach more people on YouTube, and quite honestly, I have had more meaningful and authentic friendships on the Google-owned platform.
Exceptions exist, of course. I always enjoy my STEEM comments and conversations from @djohan, @mikeparker, @fiord18, @croat, @americana-reboot, and many more (I apologize for missing out on several names -- my brain is destroyed right now). But for the most part, YouTube reaches out to more people, and largely, they're actual homo sapiens, not bots.
actually reflect as true subscribers to one's content.... or "dead followers". Having a peek at: might be eye-opening as well, in terms of how may eyeballs these numbers