Introducing Newcomers to the Power of STEEM!

in #steemit7 years ago

As you dive deeper into the implications of cryptocurrencies, your senses open up to new layers of integration that you never realized initially. A prime example is bitcoin and its blockchain technology. In a gross oversimplification, the blockchain solves the "double-spending" problem. Through a unique mechanism, the blockchain system verifies each and every digital token and transaction.

Thus, bitcoin isn't just limited to a trading platform, although it obviously can be used as such. And it's also more than just an alternative to the dollar, although an increasing number of companies prefer its instant verification and flexibility. Rather, the blockchain could revolutionize the entire financial industry, eliminating most of the demand for third-party conduits.

In much the same way that bitcoin has the potential to dramatically alter the shape and course of finance, I believe that Steemit and the STEEM currency will revolutionize social media and the manner in which content creation is distributed. Although Steemit is an ever-developing project -- and issues are still being worked out -- the core impetus remains the community.

This is truly a free market for excellence in content creation. Through dedication and a commitment to high-quality work, Steemit can accelerate the growth curve of content makers in much the same manner that bitcoin can accelerate return on investment. As opposed to waiting for years to gain recognition in highly corporatized and sanitized distribution channels, a content creator can jump on board Steemit and gain immediate feedback.

On top of that, the STEEM currency is an astonishing rocket sled of a ride. You simply can't go wrong with this platform, which is why I'm actively recruiting people to Steemit. So Keep Calm and STEEM On!


Thanks for the post/video. I found it informative, but have only just arrived in the Steam community. I still have know idea how members of the site actually "earn" Steem, and that makes me a little leery about trading some of my bitcoin into Steem at this time. Of course there is no harm in risking a small amount.

Yeah, I understand that apprehension -- my friend and I joke that it's "magic money!" You can make money through content contribution, which is what I do primarily. As far as details on where the money comes from, I'm no expert but I'd like to post a video about this in the near future.

I am one day in the steem community and appreciate you who share your views about the future of steem and steem it. I haven't written me introduction yet, I want to make sure I understand the best ways of communicating within the steem community and that my introduction makes a splash.

Thanks for your comment! I've been warmly received by the Steemit community and I'm sure you will find the same reception :)

Great to find you on steemit. I have been a long time follower on YouTube. Just joined steemit and it's exciting to see those I follow elsewhere here too. The best to you and me. :)

I appreciate that, thank you, and glad to have you on board! And likewise, I wish you the very best! :)

I love how the implications and revelations keep hitting you wave after wave! :)