This isn't just a simple teaser Image... this is a hint on the next game changer in the Steemit Ecosystem!

in #steemit9 years ago

this is a little teaser to spice up curiosity for what's to come for this week. I would love to show more but I can't reveal what I'm doing! ;)

Still a lot of work ahead but it's looking SOOOO GOOD! Stay Tuned!


HERE!To me go and if you like this, support my blog by upvoting below. Thanks!


I like where you are going with this profile concept. That's been the thing I'm missing most on the platform. The beta version is relying on introductions

That is what I am talking about! A good profile image and about section. This well help us learn more about people we might want to follow. Right now I go purely off of how people comment and the content posted.

@hilarski :) This is not a proposal for I can say that!

This looks legit. i love it. it makes it more intimate, you aren't dealing with just a name now.

You'll understand when you see it eheheh

Names I barly can't remember . Empty avatars . All is super boring as it is . It seems he is onto something great

Super cool..cant wait

I've just bought two domains and registered the Steemit account for this project (got lucky because no one had registered before! SWEET!)

What must you tease us like this? Now I'll have to follow you.

É disso que o steemit precisa. Um visual bonito e chamativo.
E ainda se quiser parear com as mídias sociais tradicionais como o facebook, ele precisará de um suporte a vários idiomas. Porque se ficar restrito só ao inglês, vai continuar essa panelinha, esse círculo fechado de falantes do inglês.

@riscadox Por acaso o que estou a fazer contempla a escolha de idioma... ;) Não esquecer que o steemit ainda está em versão beta, e tudo pode mudar. Ainda é uma criança com 5 meses de vida, há-de crescer e falar muitos idiomas!

Eu espero por isso ;)

Ohh I'm intrigued! =D

Handle it :P

Wahh but teaser was too teasing! When will we know more?

Hopefully at the end of the week or weekend ;)

I will blow people's mind :X

Nice I can't wait to see! Are you part of making this new project? New design layout for the website it looks like? A fresher better and more user friendly look? Is that what this teaser is about?

Can't say much more than I already have :)

Nice can't wait to see! Hopefully this means more user friendly site!

and blogging friendlier for anti tech savy users like me

Ok ! I am curious !