Picking content is hard because there's a lot a lot a lot of content being produced, and most of the good stuff is going under the radar.... maybe this could be a theme for a chronicle? "Under The radar" where you would pick good content that didn't get much traction = low payout = low visibility
Adapt the hat! :P life is about adapting right?
It's possible I could create a steemit logo to place over the bitcoin logo in a temporary fashion. The bitcoin logo used to be just taped on, but I'm pretty sure I super-glued it to survive the rigors of travel. I'll change things slowly based upon time and support. There's a cinematic quality to slowly shifting the show over.... I'd do the title card first cause it's easy. The intro animation will be tough, old roomate did that, so will have to talk to him.... Hat will be a crafty fix... But if I pickup those three and continue to develop fun things to say, maybe more "steem/steam" puns like "Steem Engine", etc.... gotta let the show slowly expand, if there's support for this idea....