LATEST NEWS: Payouts are back to 24H - What do you think about it? [ Quick read / Opinion Article ]

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

And there are changes again regarding the duration until the payout occurs, now your post will have a minimum 24 hours duration until the first payout.

Personally I think that they should never have changed it to 12 hours. I didn't understand the logic behind it at the time and I still don't. This 24h period it's ideal because this way the post has better chances of overcoming the first publish period and get more traction. It also enables of a higher possibility of being seen and upvoted by the users that on the 12h were sleeping or simply away.

And you? What do you think about this change?

Edit post-publish: I've notice that I can't upvote a post that has been up for a month. Is this new also? I thought a post would always be open for an upvote? Can anyone reply to this question? thanks!

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I Also think 24 is much better as you can be on one side of the world when you write something and people in the other side will not read it until at least 12 hours later

Time zones are an issue. Maybe if it was set at 18 hours that would be better

That's good news, even though I feel slightly bitter that one of my highest paid posts was in the 12 hour window phase. What heights could it have gone to now!!!

If I remember correctly, I think posts over a month old could still be commented on but not upvoted on? Or maybe the upvotes don't do anything - I don't remember and I don't want to look it up right now hahaha!

I don't mind the 24 hours - I really think in the long run the 30 Day thing will help a LOT of posts...


I'm with you. It only makes sense to keep it with the day/night cycle, as this allows everyone, from all around the world, to have a chance to see and vote on the post(s).

I can only agree. I proposed this change 2 weeks ago while I was on holidays in Europe.

I agree. I prefer the 24 hour period over the 12 so we don't have to worry as much about all time zones seeing it and giving a better chance to get some traction.

That sounds great! 12 hr is s bit too short

exactly what I was looking for and found it sitting right there when I entered the minnows unite chat

I didn't notice that. Is there a link to an announcement?

I'm doing it .... looks like! :D

I prefer the 24hr payout period for the simple timezone coverage. I know there are some people who only log on to steemit once a day. (crazy!!!) Having 24 hours allows those folks to have a chance to see each post during the first publish period.

24 hour period is definitely better for posts. With the 12 hour one you had to think what is the right time to post based on your location and time zone as posting it at the wrong time could've made it even harder to be noticed. I'm not sure about comments though, if they also have changed the time period to 24 hours.

You cannot vote for a post a month older because that is the second pay period, after that there are no more payouts for it and no point in voting, so it gets disabled.

I've been putting a hell of a lot of effort into my posts, so I definitely appreciate them having more time on the board, especially being a new user who hasn't made their name yet.

I'd like being able to edit my posts for full 24 hours. If readers spot an error, I will have time to correct it before the post freezes.

I'm not sure about greater visibility for a post though... it is constantly being pushed down by new content, no matter what time the payout is

The 24 hours definitely is better for more coverage of all timezones, but the only thing about this is that now the trending posts would stay up at the top for longer! =O

Is it true ? It was changed from 24 to 12 just a short while ago ? Where is the official link for those good news ?

Much better to have the 24 hours considering all the time zones.

Agreed, 24 hours is just more practical.

Think 24 hours only makes sense as everyone has 24 hours in their day. Including and most importantly Earth itself! 24 hours gives everyone a chance to see the post. Also when you post you can note when the payout will occur at the same time the next day! Think there are numerous advantages of this that outweigh other time frames.

I agree totally.
I wonder if there is a way that would help those not so well known to be given a better chance at having their posts found and read.
Not sure how to do this but the first few hours I get comments.
Then lost in the fog.

 9 years ago  Reveal Comment