The "Broncnutz Chronicles" **Facebook, ICO'S, State of Union** DUMP Mark Zuckerburg!

in #steemit7 years ago

Today is just an open discussion of ICO amateurish investing, Facebooks censorship and worry about Cryptocurrency, and the State of the Union abrasive mockery. Mark Zuckerburg needs to be punched in the face.....shut your Facebook page down and quit letting him get rich off you.

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Mark sucker turd! Ive recruited quite a few hardcore facebooker's, it didn't take long for them to figure out how much time was wasted on that stupid site lol

Same here. Joined with a friend in summer 2017 and I don't use Spybook anymore for my personal activities.

Still here after 19 minutes cuz!!! All facets Broncnutz.
I was supposed to go to Chima tonight with some neighbors, but they cancelled because their grandson is sick. Andrea knew how excited I was so we are going with just us 2 instead of the 6 people we had planned. I'm gonna make a Chima video and post it. Hands down my favorite restaurant.

I knew you would be here for all of it! Enjoy Chima.....I'm so jelly right now.

Hardcore status certified at 19 min...yeah. You know broncnutz isn't about prejudice as he'll even upvote a chiefs fan. Maybe a good move for noobs into cryptos is the first $100+ bucks you make on steemit-go buy a hardware wallet. Do you think a certain political party is more pro cryptos or are they about the same?

I doubt either political party likes Crypto. When you have a bank full of dollars......your a dollar cheerleader

agree, they don' they like silver? (doubt it) the hell out of silver here..(and gold)..see my posts on silver a while back....and thanks!!....p.s. you are going to see a worthless dollar..sadly. (your blog is awesome, btw.)

I been buying every week for 6 years now. I just picked up 70 oz gold today. I'm mostly a silver fan though.

right on!! and thank you.!

just keep of your facebook page, not loggin and posted, but keep marketing on their about steem platform.

Not a bad idea!

Many of the heavily populated steemit users for post whale comments, with the aim of getting votes from the pope regardless of whether it is quality content or not, whereas quality content should be appreciated even from small fish,
About your video, with the presence of steemit, many users of facebook switch to the steemit platform, because of the post steemit will be paid,
True as you said faceebok only enriches its CEO only, while users have to spend money to be able to interact on facebook

I agree that bitcoin can touch $8000 and even $6000 but no need to worry about that because it all counts as corrections and then will fly to moon
the big investors are waiting to get their amount at low prices then take it and fly to get other millions
so I think all the drops are chances to buy not to worry about it

Bitcoin will find a bottom and build a new base just like it always has, this is no time for panic, it is time to scoop more on a big panic sell off.

No Weak Knees!!!

I have a vested interest in the United States Corporation too.

AND. WE ARE NOT ALL IMMIGRANTS!!! #nativepride #werestillhere

Your right! The Indians were here before anyone.....

Mark Zuckerburg shit your fb page. He decided to ban crypto-related ads. Get shot his ass...What bull shit mark....
Steemians ready to reject FB Zuckerburg get lost. F*** man.
Nice video discussion @broncnutz. Appreciate your updating.

Today I became one of the hardcore one haha and this is my first comment on your post. Its strange to see how soo many people commented just few minutes after the video cause tha video is long but it didn’t felt boring and i enjoyed it very much. In just one video you discussed many topics i.e social medias,crypto world,politics and moral science.

I used to be very active on Facebook but now that i have seen the benefits and cons of steemit I’d rather spend my time here and earn in the process. Mark zuckerberg is a hardcore businessman now and he will do what is good for him and his creation or company. Cause sites like steemit are a threat or very strong future competitor.

I am 18 yrs old from Nepal.the story you shared about a 19 yrs old was really motivating but doesn’t means I’ll drop out of college haha lol and i liked it.

The way you described the politics seemed like a Saturday night show funny and stated the current most bad problem in a good way and your idea of blockchain for the people sounds interesting so that also those who have contributed alot shall not be deported. I think what trump is doing is very wrong and I personally don’t like him as a president cause he has like the brain of a child not a president.but again its my opinion.

The most true fact that some people here with power will post many stuffs in a day and keep upvoting them ,themselves and ignore even the most genuine comments.

You sound fun and i am glad you read comments and upvote them hehehe so,i am going to follow you cause imma hardcore boy haha .thanks for the post.

Awesome comment kid! Thanks for checking my blog out, hope you stick around to view my other content.

Yeah ,looking forward to it. Gonna stick around 😁and thanks 😊

Zuckerberg is a little weasel thief! Good stuff @broncnutz... we are on the same page!

BTC down below $10K, Alt-coins also fallen. same old story.
I hate censorship. Facebook want to introduce their own crypto at some point. so censoring ICOs kinda put them in a better position to peddle their own Coin. ... FaceCoin? haha

you have "built-in" charisma.... so chips falling where they fall works for you great!!
Thanks for the motivation talk on cryoto and Steemit.

**no comment on politics **

Thanks for watching and your continued support of my blog cuz...

your post is very excellent.......thanks for share......@broncnutz

BTC continued lower today.. i saw US87xx /- Ethereum also fell below $1000.
What little crypto I had US$5 worth before the fall, is now with $3.6x

A great one again! Like the part about people trying to trick you. Next I'm gonna read all the comments to see if there are some of those "golddiggers".

I'm waiting for every one of your posts. You're the voice of reason. Good job.

Thanks cuz

Great reality check @broncnutz!

HODL Bitcoin - yes!

Facebook - quit that nonsense over 10 years ago

State of the Union - all good points and LOL re peanut butter!

Awesome work!

Nancy is a clown! What was she doing with her teeth?

Thanks very much @broncnutz, your video discussion is great, I appreciate it.
I always check your blogs out, I always enjoy your content.
Yes, there is no reason to panic, because bitcoin will fly to moon then.
I upvoted and resteemed this your post for my friends!

Bitcoin obviously has the largest hashing power making it the most secure network important for storing value. However, do you think big money players even understand the significance of this? Do you think bitcoin is really much more secure than Litecoin?

True words BN. The wallet is just a bonus. The community and the education one can gain here are the golden nuggets! We love your boosting along help you provide for us and if we're worth our salt we're doing the same for smaller minnows following us. People don't understand that nothing but the lottery happens over night. Anything that is worth something takes time and effort. I say one foot after the other setting small goals leading to larger ones.............. Thanks brother enjoyed!

Good comment brother, Steemit is a grind and it can't make you rich over night.

Ha! You said it right the first time "company or Corporation" was correct. The dems sit and look disgusted because that's the part they play in the skit..... the play that they perform. On another note, you ever see people who don't want their pocket change and just throw it or won't pick up a coin off the ground? When you said the money will take care of itself if you do the best you can I thought of an old man who once said to me " take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." That always stuck with me for some reason........

@broncnutz I like how you tell it like it is. The Big guys have always been kind to me. As far as ICO's I have participated in some over the past year. I am not a Big investor on them now in fact if I have extra money I would rather buy STEEM or Physical Silver.

your post is very efective post...........@

Thanks for the reminder to stay rational about the dip in cryptos. This has happened before and will likely happen again. Politics is hard to watch too. I'm hopeful of blockchain technology helping to make the world a better place.

I am on facebook since 4 years. But i have nothing exceptional on it.i will say that facebook has many opportunity to give us an exceptional things but there is so many fake source. that is so great things for anxiety. but i have get many exceptional things on steemit. at least you can find true information on it about a matter.that is great.

using facebook has become waste of time.there is so false issue. but crypto can change your life,suppot you financially,that is we should stay remain with crypto than facebook.

this so great analysis i have got the great thing here.i think it will be helpful for many crypto lover. so i can't but resteem this post.


Love the hodge podge videos too. A couple thoughts: I love your calm, rational thoughts on the dip in Bitcoin. Eff Facebook and Zuckerberg.

Facebook is dead to me! People need to be able to make their own informed decisions about ICOs!

I do not understand this? The video is 19.10 minute but many people say's very good video..but why ?? In fact, they did not read the commentsIMG_20180131_110830.jpg

Thanks for your video. I just wrote a post about why I've mostly given up using Facebook. It was the first time I had linked my Steemit account on Facebook, and I'm happy to report it's been one of my most successful posts to date...which should only convince others of the potential of this platform!

Fuck the Zuck!

what I hate most in facebook and also considered a reason why I love steemit and say go to hell facebook is the difference in the concept between them
the concept of facebook is treating people as tools to make their millions of dollars of advertisements that annoy you and you are notinteresting in them
while steemit gives you the human right to interact and be involved, to participate and share your opinion honestly and freely
then every cent you make is coming from the real interest and appreciation of users toward your content
that's what makes steemit special from other social

What do you think of the Korean government imposing fines on cryptocurrency traders?

I completely agree that FB must be shut down
it's a waste of time, effort, and whole life for nothing

The whole removal of Crypto ads from facebook is so laughable. Zuckerberg is just scared.

You are 100% correct at this point and I'm totally agreed with you. Facebook gives nothing but still we spend a lot of time and wasting our time but steeimt social media gives us what we are yearning for.

Facebook owner thinks he can lead the crypto using the help of ICO. But they can't use this rich scheme, STEEMIT is the best more than FACEBOOK.

Thank you so much for motivating us. Your way is quite motivating. GOOD

Its really bad situation to cryptocurrency. Anyone try to ban and reject cryptos using their power. I don't why Mark get decision to ban cryptocurrency ads. If he doing continuously this we all steemians join together and reject to attend facebook and remove our accounts there. Then mark will be happy with his low income :P Mark get stupid decision bcoz he's bull man.

So happy I gave up facebook, over a year clean now.

Sir I will say a few words. we know that facebook is a good platform but 70% of facebook users use it just for entertainemnet. i dont think so facebook can give us the crypto plaforms like this. Mark Dumb off lolxxxx. keep your opinions with yourself. :/

leaved fb way earlier than i expected it is just a time wasting thing now which only listens to mainstream news

Muy buen post amigo saludos desde Venezuela blog 😆.

I really hate the censorship thing! Mark is a punk! You just say it as it is.

well now facebook wants to get into this one too damm they will make it more unstable well they don't enter into this i will be more happy

The chronicles series is why i love to watch is because i got to know a lot about everything at one place from you bro

I think this decision was taken by mark because there were many fake app promotion and fake ico that affected the reputation of facebook so i this this is the right step taken by mark because I also came across many such incedent where ads displayed were either fake or misleading .........@broncnutz as always your vlog was so good and you really have perfect timing of making vlogs . Loved your informative vlog keep steeming !!

facebook is slowly showing us its colors they want to knock us out but people will knock them out of the game

I used to be very active on Facebook but now that i have seen the benefits and cons of steemit I’d rather spend my time here and earn in the process. Mark zuckerberg is a hardcore businessman now and he will do what is good for him and his creation or company. Cause sites like steemit are a threat or very strong future competitor.

Mark its the day to laugh at all those where he think he will own the world lol too much greed is now completely can be seen on his face he can't buy the entire crypto space

You nicely break down the things nice great video on the topic i will hold cryptos for long and not let these momos like zukerberg to get into

Facebook never was anything good imo, other than for texting and nowdays its used for anything except texting.

Greetings from Venezuela my dear friend...!

they can ban crypto on their platform but they can't rule it ; )

Word to @broncnutz!

Facebook is nasty at so many levels! Loving the Forest Gump true!

Lol....His neck looked broken

Very entertaining, Mr. OG @broncnutz ! I literally stumbled across Steemit like 2 weeks ago, and I'm already a convert, and it's because of people like you. You're spreading the crypto-love and keeping it real. The jokes about Peanut Butter Pelosi cracked me up. Like I was watching the POTUS last night too and I was cracking up while seeing people like Pelosi doing their best to remain stoic and not smile at all during the whole "show." And then the spin-masters come on after and start twisting themselves into pretzels... Keep up the good work!

this comment section was a bonus after the vid
since bronc reads all, i decided to check out why
and i was laughing at what is going on here
match fixing/comment fixing
I thought that i saw it all

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