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RE: Zuckerburg lost $5B TODAY......Chicharron's for Everyone!😂😂😂 Steemit/Crypto Winning.

in #steemit7 years ago been in "Crypto since 12" and you only manage to have 20 measly dollars invested in Steem? The number 1 blockchain???? I don't believe you, sounds like you at the back of the herd to me.....


Really? Your arguments are sooo logical. Since I have been in crypto since ‘12, I need more than $20 visibly invested on steemit? If you took the time to read beyond my bio line you would know I am new to Steemit and I’m certainly not yet convinced it’s a top blockchain. I’m not here for the reward money , I’m here to learn more. Unlike most, I read white papers and I am here to translate the white paper into mouse clicks. I was quick to get involved in BTC because it’s the most brilliant white paper known to crypto. So brilliant that it only took 10 pages to build a multi billion dollar industry. Steem’s white paper is far from brilliant so I decided to pay my own way to create my steemit account to learn more. My investment in steemit came from myself not the system and its probably more money than you have ever spent on your account. Furthmore, my steemit account may only be valued at $20, but there’s just a tad more on my exchange.

Yes, 2012 was when I got into btc. Do I care what you believe? No but for those who don’t know what it was like during this time you had to jump through hoops to wire funds to Bit Instant to acquire BTC. Picture going on bitinstant, entering the amount of BTC you wanted to buy. Then checking out to get a autogenerated receipt with a transaction ID. Then going to your bank to wire them the money with your transaction ID. Meanwhile, the bank tellers would look at you funny because they had no clue what bitcoin was or why you triple checked the transaction ID stated on the wire instructions.

So who is in back of the herd? If I had to guess you don’t use dtube because theres probably some sort of cost associated with uploading. Make some logical arguments, know what you are talking about or get thicker skin. Is it me or does it seem like steemit is full of commenters who kiss ass?

I sold silver on Bitmit, got Litecoin STILL stuck in vircurex, robbed by Big Vern, saw the rise and fall of BTC-e, bought physical coins from Mike Caldwell himself (your on OG if you know who he is)....all that shit cuz!!! You over her trying to discredit my videos because I use youtube but am all about crypto and blockchain. You dont know jack about me boy, i been here since the beginning.....hell I'm practically i said before, I'm way in front of the herd. I'm still gonna vote your comment because I like to hear all sides for everyone. I'f you disagree with me say it! I just want everyone who views this to see all sides of YOU too....before you realize how good STEEM is and move some of your OG Bitcoins up in here and start moving markets and wreckin shop.

I’m here to call it like I see it. I called you out because you bashed YouTube but you used service. That’s all. your point would come across a lot better if you were using the service you are bashing. I’ll intend to follow you to see see what else you think. I’m looking for people to follow and engage to better my experience. Cheers.

Zip zap to bitinstant via western union to Gox.....I been here for it all. Using YouTube because Dtube still sucks does not make me have "flawed logic". When Dtube is on a similar level I will kick YouTube to the curb so fast it will make your head spin. I hate yourtube and google with a passion. Right now it's a necessary evil and I'm just gonna use thier platform for free to promote the rest of thier customers to leave and get paid to blog. Like I said, I'm way out in front, try to keep up with me please.....

All things aside, do you think Dtube can kick Youtube aside? (no pun intended).

The network effects are massive. Youtube crushed all because it's a massive undertaking that bleeds money. Blockchain throughput is slow and you would need sophisticated infrastructure, architecture, robust hardware design, obscene bandwidth, mind-blowing storage and countless database, To run all this you need a many top-notch... sysadmins, scalability software architects, feature developers, network engineers etc. As much as I love the thought of decentralization, centralization will provide the best experience and performance for video. To put all this into perspective, I believe Youtube was barely break even for Google 10 years after the purchased. I think 2016 was their first profitable year.

In the end I think blockchain dapps will crush everything. Dtube has a ways to go before it can even be mentioned in the same sentence as youtube. Dtube works, but it doesn't work as well as YouTube. I do think masses of people are gonna move to social media blockchain because the incentive is just too good. We will see the next big move when BTC breaks 20 and it's all over the news.

The incentive for content producers might be attractive to some, but for the average user who consumes content it’s all about the user experience. Generally speaking, content producers go to where the crowds are. Speaking as a new user the experience has a long way to go. I think steemit needs to think more about new user on-boarding and overall experience. @ned and team members should start new accounts starting at the default rep of (25) to better understand what the new user experience is like. This key any platform is new user growth and new daily active usage. Thanks for participating in this conversation.

I am definitely enjoying this banter! Keep it up guys. (lol)