What the hell is a "Brindle Swan Event" anyway? Let's start with a "Black Swan Event" which we're sure many of you are kind of familiar with, though many get it wrong and think it only refers to negative events.
"The Black Swan" is a New York Times bestselling book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in which he shows how extremely unlikely events, that are almost universally not expected or predicted, have huge impacts on history. And after they occur, everyone acts like they were inevitable. Examples include negative things like the 2008 financial crisis and 9/11, but they also include positive things like the fall of the Soviet Union, and the rise of the Web. Here are links to the Wikipedia article and Taleb's book:
One thing to note is that it was originally thought there were no black swans in real life, and then they were in fact discovered.
So what is a Brindle Swan Event?
@brindleswan sure hopes for this term to become related to events he is personally involved with, but that's just an ego thing and not important. What the term is meant to convey is something even rarer than a Black Swan Event, but the outcome, while highly uncertain as it unfolds, is looked at by history as having been extremely positive. With Brexit, Trump's election and the upcoming 4/1/2017 plan, we are hoping that we are now in the middle of the first Brindle Swan Event!
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