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RE: Why I believe Steem is going to a 1 Billion Dollar Market Cap within 2-3 months, with evidence.

in #steemit7 years ago

Those of us taking part in the progression of steem will sit back in the same way those who jumped in on Bitcoin are. The year of crypto is now and we will see a few other names climbing the charts.

Invest invest invest.....


Steem has the ability to go much much much higher than most of the other coins, so 3-5 billion could be small fries compared to where the potential really lies, I mean look at Bitcoin..... and don't get me started on ETH... lol

@decentealized I think you're spot on. Look as the full faith and trust in Fiat drops a rise in cryprocurrencies will skyrocket. Most of us today can't afford Bitcoin, and realistically it's futile to even attempt. The real investments are in the new kids on the block such as SBD and Ethereum ( to name a few)....

i love PIVX

I hate to go ALL In on crypto, but the space is looking just too good right now, and as Decentral said, as long as Bitcoin doesn't *&^% the bed, maybe not in those exact words, everybody wins.

@grognak you don't even have to go all in. Look you're here contributing so the SBD here will take care of itself. Invest in $40-50 worth and let it sit. Remember those who bought $100's worth of Bitcoin when it started? Lol they're set. So here we are now with the knowledge to really make an impact on this new form of digital currency. ANT, Litecoin, Ethereum and many others ARE going to rise ..perhaps not in the way Bitcoin has but hell a $100 investment now when SBD is only $1.50 will look damn good when it shoots to $500

If it goes to 5 bucks it's party time! Following ya now

@grognak thats the beautiful thing about investments...Sometimes all it takes is a little...I am a normal guy from PA, living in CO and have bounced around all my life but one thing that I believe to be key is that trends do not lie. The beautiful thing about Crypto is that if the market starts to look bad in what you invested in then you can simply move it to something better....I have about $20 in bitcoin ....its a lost cause for me because I came in too late.. I am now researching the current coin market so I can move my $20 of bitcoin.....I look at it as a win win situation...I mean, unless that coin goes negative you are going to stay .500 for a long ass time....invest, silver and a few crypto of your choice...And I will say it like this; after WW2 the gold standard was set up for a reason. Nixon axed it in 1971 and ever since the fiat standard has ruled the human race. We are now nearly 50 years since that day and the purchasing power of the dollar is about $.03....FIND ways to diversify your funds so that you and your family arent assed out....Remember, when we were setting up the Petro Dollar the oil embargo happened.....when we lose our reserve status Americans will realize what it means to be a 3rd world country

I hear ya, one thing you could do is open an account on and "make sure to enable 2fa" security. Can't stress this enough. Then you can diversify a very small amount into a few "alt" coins, this would probably start you on the right road. Cool thing is, the trading fees are pretty small and shouldn't affect you at even small amounts. I try to keep my holding balanced and not get "too much" into one coin. I have some favorites like "steem", but i try not to get too attached. This has caused me problems in the past, letting a coin go! Sometimes you just have to! Can't go wrong at all with silver right now, it's dirt cheap and can only go up.

@grognak thank you for that. I am also new to the entire crypto scene (although a few years back when Bitcoin was $800 a coin I had 1.6 so I am kicking myself) and really love the information that comes through..I think we can all benefit from places like this. The one thing that concerns me is the transfer of SBD to the Steem wallet. I have about $5 earned from this site and I would love to be able to move it to another wallet or site to convert or trade. The one thing I hate about steemit is the fact that its confusing to newcomers like myself...I wasted a good $10 on power ups because I wasn't able to move my SBD to my Steem wallet

If you search the site you can find MANY good articles explaining all that. It was confusing to me at first as well. If you were to open the account on Bittrex you can transfer your SBD there and cash out into bitcoin. I remember 800 dollar bitcoin and 10 dollar ethereum, if we only knew :)