What NOT to do on Steemit.com

in #steemit7 years ago


What’s going on Steemers! If you want to have a good reputation and build a good following, then follow these rules.

As you all know there’s and endless amount of posts you can google or see posted daily on Steemit of what TO do to be successful on steemit, but I never see anything on what people should avoid doing. Actions that turn people off and away from you and your content which leads to a bad reputation, failure, and despair. Wouldn’t you want to avoid that? Ok good then continue reading this post.

Before I give my pointers on what NOT to do on Steemit, I want to first say that I’m going based off of what bothers me or makes me not want to respond to certain Steemers, not follow, not resteem, or upvote their posts. And here’s a warning for all those people that troll others and spread negative comments on their posts.. Yes, I used bots for this post. I don’t believe it’s a terrible thing to spread a message on Steemit. Yes I understand that usually you get a negative ROI when using bots, I’m aware. I used bots on this post, not to get rich, but too spread a valuable message to those who I see all to often doing things that are frowned upon the Steemit community. So for all those that go crazy and love to start drama and negative gossip on posts, save your energy this time. There’s no need for it. This community needs positive feedback, not hate and name calling to make yourself look good to get upvotes in the comment section by making other negative people agree with you.

1st DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t put up a post of the most random thing, with no effort, over and over again throughout the day. You’re crowding feed of others good posts, leaving no room for the valuable content driven posts to be aknowledged.

2nd DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t comment stupid comments on others posts like “follow”. People’s posts are not to be commented on in that fashion to attract people to your blog.

3rd DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t comment “upvote”on someone’s post, why would someone want to waste the reward pool on such a wasteful comment? You don’t deserve the upvote by saying that and you actually do harm and turn people off from your blog.

4th DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t spam advertise on others posts, people work hard on their blogs. It is not for you to advertise something or scam people. Along with the first 3 DONTS, it will cause you to get flagged.

5th DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t go through the “new” section and copy and paste the same comment expecting an upvote. It’s very annoying and people start to notice. An example is commenting “so true” on 10 different peoples posts even though you probably didn’t read their post to begin with! It’s very annoying and I’ve noticed people doing that on my posts. We’re not stupid, people notice the no effort commenting just to gain followers, and upvote.

6th DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t start fights on people’s posts with negative comments that are not feedback, but judging. You look stupid. People here that post and do something “wrong” in your eyes are still learning and deserve positive feedback. Not negative comments and gossip to make yourself feel better or to get all the other trolls to agree with you so you receive upvotes by making someone’s post look like a massacre.

7th DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t open an account on Steemit and never use it again, it’s a bad look for Steemit having unused profiles and holding SP that wou will never use.

8th DONT of Steemit:

  • dont abuse your power on steemit by flagging people that don’t deserve to be flagged JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT AGREE WITH THEIR OPIONION! Flagging is only for content that is abusive or vile or spamming.

9th DONT of Steemit:

  • don’t come on Steemit to advertise a company that is stealing Steemit users, there is no better platform than Steemit so stop spamming this community. It’s here to stay so get used to it and go back to Facebook.

If I missed any DONTS of Steemit, feel free to add them in the comment section 😊



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Thank you very much for this valuable and entertaining content! I completely agree with you 100% hands down !


Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now.. I've read in your post that we should not beg for votes, but I will do it now for my friend.

@bradonscalera thank you so much for this. This is really helpful for those of us who are new here. I'm happy I stopped to read. It's encouraging too. Thank you

so I'm a good girl 😊

of course 👍🏼

Clear and concise, @brandonscalera. While us newbies are trying to fathom the maze of what to do, we can make these simple mistakes, especially coming from other social media sites not aligned with the ideals and goals of a place like steemit. I think this extremely helpful for everyone, so resteeming.....Thanks so much!

Thanks Brandon!
I feel the same way, brother. After a while it becomes nothing more than an annoyance!
This is a good reminder for all those that do this. And it is quite a few.
My pet peeve is people that leave a comment that has nothing to do with a post I may have spent hours on and is just an advertisement for something totally unrelated.
I don't believe in flagging anyone as we all have the right to be free in what we believe no matter if it does not conform to our own beliefs.
Most everyone that leaves a comment on my post I give an upvote to and those that leave a comment totally unrelated to my post I don't upvote. I think it is better than flagging and perhaps a more positive way of doing things.
.....upvoted and resteemed

DONT, DONT and DONT BEG for upvotes and ask the fellow steemians to follow you. Just post a worth reading and informative article and valued upvotes and followers may just come along with it.

These are some good guidelines. I would say if people are here to engage and add value, they wouldn’t be doing many of the things you mentioned. Most people are here to make money and they really don’t know how to engage properly. We need more valuable engagement and less spammy commenting and upvote begging. Thanks for the post! Resteem

Good rules of thumb. The less spam, low quality post, etc the more enjoyable steemit will be.

Long live Steem!

This is simple but yet powerful advice. I think people who cut corners and paste the same comments like you said is really bad for themselves and the platform. This should be a must read for those joining the platform.

I totally agree, especially with the 6th. Discussing is harmful to this community and especially to those of us who are beginning to be a part of it. Excellent post @brandonscalera. Although I would add a 10th point: Don't stop giving credit to who belongs, authors, image banks, videos and any other resource you use in your publication. Honor to whom honor deserves.

Thank you friend, I believe that if we do an education campaign on steemit we will improve in great steps, many of us start without a guide on this network and as you make mistakes you learn from them, well just like everything else in life.

Thanks for sharing your common sense @brandonscalera.

  • I wonder why they call it "common" sense,
    when it actually is very uncommon?

I ran across this cool emoji that explains the main point of your post...

  • For your points 1-5 & 9 Dont's...
    emoji stop spam.jpg
Emoji Source

You point #7 - unused accounts

  • I helped get a buddy online. He wrote down his password (evidently wrong...). Copy and pasted it to a text file on his computer, which then proceeded to crash and had to be reformatted and WinDoze re-installed. He was unable to recover his account.
    • I bet a lot of those unused profiles could be from similar stories.
      • This whole password security is great to cut down on hacking of accounts, but most people are used to using simple passwords like ILoveMyDog2018...

re: points 6 & 8... disagreements...

  • I totally agree, flags should not be used simply because you disagree with the post.
    • I disagree that you can't comment saying you disagree.
      Or did I misread your point?
      • That's kinda risky, but in my mind, it's OK to disagree and have a discussion. The problem is most people don't know how to have a discussion. They have very thin skin and take it personally that someone could have the audacity to disagree with their logic or point of view. Me, I have inch thick rhinoceros skin and welcome a healthy debate about anything I post about.
    • You might be saying something a bit different. Maybe people need to learn how to give positive reinforcement when helping correct a "problem" with the post. Maybe people need to use a bit more tact.
      • Tact is pretty uncommon sense nowadays, too...

Thank you!

There is one more thing not to do. I don't know weather you came across with this. I have seen people posting N#de photo of them self in order to get upvotes. But never gets enough upvotes. They continuously post hourly with different angle.
Stop showing your body here. No one is interest in it. Go to some p*rn site and do it.

Agreed, that’s what Instagram is for.

Always good to be reminded and remind others about these common best practices!

Think if all on Steemit could follow these simple rules.
I will Resteem them because I think everybody needs to be reminded of this

thanks sir @brandonscalera for sharing this informative post.this post is very helpful for new users 😊

thanks for sharing, i will follow your rules :) you are great @brandonscalera

This an Important information for me, some time I'm not good to comment for others steemer.. thanks for sharing bro

you are great brother , amazing :)
your posts are really helpful :)
keep it up

Such a amazing tips I learned many things thanks to share about steemit


Well thank you for the don'ts,

  1. How about writing in English on a post written in Spanish or Mandarin?

I only speak English, but you can copy my post (quote me) and (tag me) and right it in one or both of those languages

Points well understood, but steemians who spam comment on our posts should stop! It makes the comment section lose value especially to those who read the comments.

10th DON'T of Steemit :

Without reading posts, Don't upvote and comment thinking it will help you make some bucks. Rewards are generally given to people who enrich the quality of posts and not spam them.

In other words don’t be a fuckin retard. Plz follow

what on earth is that! I got 10 flags just because I commented on someone's post, asking him a question! his ID was haejin and later I understood there is a war between him and another user berniesanders (probably not the POTUS candidate!!!) :))

I JUST asked the guy a simple question and thanked him if he advises!

isn't that ironic?

Great post. I would also add do hashtag your post to a topic that is not related by poplar. For example, I see lots of introduction hashtags that have nothing to do with that. I would also add DON'T put more money into the vote bot after its already negative roi. That one hurts badly lol!!

Someone finally made decent suggestions how to behave here and got noticed, thanks a lot pal.

Thank you for your advice. I am not a English native and your post helps me to grasp better understanding how steemit works.

Being new to Steemit, suggestions like these are helpful.

This post has received a 27.98 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @brandonscalera.

In brief, very useful guideline for those who are new in Steemit and doing many mistakes out of ignorance. Thanks for this post.

So this post will be proof to others that you can build your account just buy posting great content everyday.

Congratulations, your experiment lasted one week, that is an eternity on steemit, my admiration for your endurance, I can only imagine how hard it was for you ;)

I use the bots to spread message when I can’t reach enough people myself, but I no longer have any more steemdollars and powered down all my SP, once it’s powered down its transfered out of steemit into one of my other wallets.

I'm sorry then, my understanding of that post was that you wanted to prove the point that you can spread the message and reach enough people through consistency, determination, networking, valuable content, and a positive outlook.

I wish everyone would follow number 8 most of all.

I am new here, but I totally agree with your first point. New section is very crowded and when I click on a post, it is only a 1-2 line length sentence. It makes hard to find valuable content.
Your article was interesting, thank you!

Thank you, it is usefull

Thanks for the sharing and hopefully more people will reliaze these points .
By the way I don't think using bots is such an option .

I think another don't is ''don't use upvote bots''. Paying for attentions isn't ok, it disrupts the hole voting system.

Very valuable content for those of us who are just starting out on this site! Thank you for taking the time to help us learn how to fit in.

Thanks for the helpful advice. I only wish it were a little easier to use. I'm having a tough time getting started. I've posted and commented, engaged in conversations and followed people, yet I've lost over $30 in value in a week. It shouldn't be that hard!

thank you very much very helpful and brief. that's what newbies need.

awesome post , thanks for sharing :)

This had to be said. I kinda hate when people write effortless comments that make it obvious they didn't read the blog or watched the video if you embedded a video.

As to the unused accounts thing, they could of merely lost their password. Other than that great post and great information on things not to do on Steemit

All I can say yay finally a real step by step of what not to do on this platform. I believe many that start here are bringing their bad habits from other social media platforms not realizing how extremely different this platform is.

good job brandon

Congratulations @brandonscalera, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1430 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $7269.30. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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actually very neccessary

Thank you for the nice tips to newbies & everyone!


have a good evening


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