Link to the fiverr gig:
I will create a responsive wordress website for you, which will look modern and professional. The website will consist of three pages:
about us and
contact us.
The available themes for the website are:
Twenty Sixteen
Twenty Nineteen
Hestia or
Twenty Seventeen.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write me an e-mail at or contact me otherwise. After you ordered a website, I will need the pictures for your webiste (please be aware that pictures for your header should be large enough to be displayed on even larger devices) and the following things for your site:
a description of your company/blog/organisation/... for you homepage
a brief text about you which will be displayed on the about us page
your contact information for your contact us - page
If your country obligates you to contain a legal notice on your website, please do that on your own. Interested? Please contact me.