5 Tips For Steemit Newbies

in #steemit8 years ago

 I spent well over 3 hours writing and editing this post. So if you find it helpful, I'd be SUPER grateful for if you could share this with anyone you think might get value out of it.10 Tips For Steemit Newbies I Wish I Knew When StartingI've been fortunate to be a part of the Steemit community for the last month so I'd just thought I'd share a few tips for those of you who just joined the Steemit family. 

1. Get A Basic Understanding of How Steemit Works 

  • This obviously isn't obligatory, yet as far as I can tell spending a hour or two attempting to comprehend the innovation behind the stage is super essential. 
  • You don't need to geek out about this by any methods, however I propose you initially begin perusing the Steemit White Paper. It took me a few peruses before I truly felt I had an "acceptable" learning of it, I'm still in no way, shape or form a specialist. 
  • You ought to likewise invest some energy perusing the label Steem-Help. There's a huge amount of decent data being posted day by day, from how payouts work to how to legitimately organize your post - indicate utilizing HTML may make things solidify. 
  • Try not to be reluctant to make inquiries, and draw in with the group. Most by far of Steemit clients are glad to help - they were new once to.


2. Introduce Yourself Using the #IntroduceYourSelf tag.

  • After you feel you have a baseline line knowledge of how things work stop sitting on the sidelines and jump in!The first post you'll want to make is a post introducing yourself to the community. Remember, first impressions matter! So be sure to take your time here and really stand out.You can title your first post with a quick line about yourself
    Share why and how you joined Steemit. How did you find Steemit? Did a friend encourage you to sign up? What made you pull the trigger and join the community?You don't have to hit every point above, they are just suggestions after all.After you write your post give it several reads and hit post! Congratulations, you're an official member of Steemit! 

3.  chat with people in Steemit Chat 

  • Steemit Chat is really one of my most loved parts of the group. 
  • It's still moderately new and can be somewhat boisterous now and again, however there's no better place to begin building associations with clients from around the globe. 
  • Set aside some opportunity to invest energy visiting in each of the different channels. Begin with the "general"** channel and draw in there. Extra minutes you can pick and pick a couple of various channels you find fascinating. 
  • The motivation behind the talk is to have genuine discussions. Try not to circumvent presenting joins on your post without consent. 
  • Rather, set aside some opportunity to tune in to the exchanges going on and hop in when you want to give some esteem. 
  • One thing I get a kick out of the chance to do, is see who is tailing me on Steemit and connect with them specifically by means of DM. 
  • I'll for the most part leave a certifiable remark and simply present myself. I've made a few exceptionally solid connections by doing this. 
  • It's a given, don't be pushy or inauthentic. Which conveys me to my next tip..

4. Don't Spam

OK, this tip I knew before I joined Steemit. It goes without saying, the aim of the community is to bring value, so please please please don't spam.How do you know if it's Spam?You can ask yourself a few of these simple questions,

  • Does it bring value?
  • Am I just trying to get upvotes for little or no effort?
  • Am I proud to post this?

If the answer is no... Don't post.Nothing ruins the community faster than spam. So please do your best to produce/share content your proud of! 


5. Don't post more than 4 times in 24 hours.

This was something I actually had no clue about when I first started.Thanks to Crytopgee @Crytopgee I was informed that you are actually penalized if you post too frequently.Remember this a marathon not a sprint! It's tempting to want to post 10 times a day, but do your best to resist this urge!If you're intending to be a part of the community for the long haul, you'll have plenty of time to share your content.A good rule of thumb when starting is 1-2 posts a day if you're feeling ambitious!Try and pick a posting schedule that works for your lifestyle and stick with it. :) 

                                 FOLLOW AND UPVOTE @bosstersteem


i still don't know how does something go viral here! as a community i believe anything related to steem might make some views but it doesnt, instead goes to blogger with their own following? is that the way is supposed to be? what are steemers really interested on?

Thank you for sharing. This is very helpful to newbies like me.