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RE: What NEEDS to change NOW in order for Steemit to Survive. (Partial Payout Declined Self-Voting)

in #steemit8 years ago

I really don't think it would DOOM Steemit. If everyone one day didn't up vote themselves ( or like suggested have no reward value) it wouldn't do much at all (7% change as some say) expect in those top acutes were a self vote is worth $400... they would notice. If people liked the content they would still vote for it, still comment , still discuss. Curation rewards would still come in... maybe a little better of a community feeling, looking out for more content to curate?


Doom might have been quite an overacting term, sorry about that. ;)
And yes i do feel those massive high 2 - 3 digit votes too and sometimes i wish that was my post. LOL. Well as long as there is the upvote button sitting snugly besides the payout counter; ill grab my popcorn and marvel at the self-voting titans, & maybe they will get bored and upvote my post. :D