I Wonder... How many STEEMIT users fall asleep at their computer?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

As I start to drift off... into what I'm sure will be a night full of steem related dreams (Nightly Occurrence Recently), I wonder to myself this very question.

To all of you who can barely read this post due to pure exhaustion, I commend you.

Keep it up steemit community , you're kicking some serious crypto ass.
and... I'm done. Good Nightttttttttttttt


Ha ha ha funny thanks

The Rabbit! Lucky year of the rabbit.

Embarrassingly I did exactly this! I joined STEEM a few days ago and have casually browsed since, but got completely engulfed in the site last night. Luckily my neck was spared when I woke up at 2 AM and shuffled to bed.

We will be billioners,maybe )

Thanks for the reminder..must go to bed now.