Steemit Google Trends: Venezuela Number One Geographically

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


So I decided to take a look at Google Trends for Steemit to see if the recent Bloomberg article (via @dragosroua) had any impact or caught any attention.

While I didn't notice much in terms of a bump, something else DID catch my eye:

The country of Venezuela is #1 in interest by region.

Screenshot from 2018-02-28 17-22-38.png

For anyone paying attention to geopolitical news, this should be interesting since Venezuela is currently being ravaged by hyperinflation.

Also, China is #2, which should be obvious for similar reasons. Fighting censorship and surveillance is not a fun game.

This is an important indicator that Steemit is a global phenomenon and will spread where access to censorship resistant content and revenue streams are most important.

If there are any Venezuelans out there reading this, please let us know in the comments below how you found out about Steemit and what sort of struggles you're facing? What is working well with Steemit in your situation?


I think we are facing the lack of audience who will read our posts.I take a resteem.

Myanmar, right? #3 on the list, or #4 on the another blacemiles84's screenshot. Burmese letters look funny. I don't recall seeing them before checking Your blog. I wonder how many Burmese people are there on steemit.