So I decided to take a look at Google Trends for Steemit to see if the recent Bloomberg article (via @dragosroua) had any impact or caught any attention.
While I didn't notice much in terms of a bump, something else DID catch my eye:
The country of Venezuela is #1 in interest by region.
For anyone paying attention to geopolitical news, this should be interesting since Venezuela is currently being ravaged by hyperinflation.
Also, China is #2, which should be obvious for similar reasons. Fighting censorship and surveillance is not a fun game.
Uhm... isn't Nigeria 2nd? That's what the print-screen reads. Nonetheless China has quite a dark blue color too and that's great.
I don't come from a country as heavily regulated as China nor even Germany nor UK, although censorship of google and other big players hits me badly and it hit people regardless of the geographic location. I despise YouTube's censorship of videos, politically motivated demonetization, banning of users for often unclear reasons and shadow-banning of comments.
Hopefully steemit will grow as a result. Most of my favorite channels are on YouTube, some in addition also on BitChute, Minds or some other platforms, which have convenient mobile apps (afaik, steem doesn't have an official one) which I don't use, but many people browses internet from mobile devices. I'd love more great content creators there (and some great followers of my blog wouldn't hurt either;) ). Hopefully it's slowly changing.
Greetings from Poland!
wtf -- you're right!
I took that screencap, reloaded it a few minutes later and it had China up. Now its showing Nigeria at #2 again. Must be some fluid movement. Good catch though!

I feel honored. Well, not everyone writes "Greetings from xyz", plus number of Polish users in an English-speaking part of steemit is not very significant, I suppose ;)
I've found a post "Number of Steem User Accounts by Country". Pretty interesting statistics, imho, although flawed, so I've decided to take a look at the self reported user locations (from a database) and aggregate them, case insensitive.
My results are way different from those I linked to. There are 6241 users whose location contains "UNITED STATES" or "USA", plus 664 whose location reads just "US", 728 - just "CALIFORNIA" and so on. "VENEZUELA" is the top self-reported location (5129 users) and 8419 users total have that word included. They're still behind users that have either "INDONESIA" or "ACEH" as part of the location (10274), but both numbers are high (those containing "POLAND" or "POLSKA" - only 1087).
I've seen plenty of Indonesian posts there so the data I gathered doesn't surprise me, although Venezuela got me pretty surprised.
When we're wrapped up in our own worlds it's easy to forget just how important blockchain can be for people in counties fighting these kind of problems. This technology is fantastic for us to use in the West but for them it can be even more life changing. Imagine living in one of these countries and being even remotely successful on Steemit. What could be just be a few extra dollars for us might be a much more impactful amount of money for them.
Nail on the head there, my friend
that is most important because the knowledge of steemit has spread to every country. Although the country is not advanced but steemit has been able to make people earn from it
congratulations. best wishes of them.
I think we are facing the lack of audience who will read our posts.I take a resteem.
Myanmar, right? #3 on the list, or #4 on the another blacemiles84's screenshot. Burmese letters look funny. I don't recall seeing them before checking Your blog. I wonder how many Burmese people are there on steemit.