Well, whats stopping us? The worst that could happen is that we put it together, lay a framework, elect members and there is no effect.
The important question is "In a perfect world, what would a Council accomplish or improve?"
If that can be answered and enough people want to be a part of that solution, it will happen.
I'll throw my name into the ring as a member. My name is out in the open and I stand on my reputation. I know you said others should nominate, but just know that I'll either join or support if that question can be answered.
"In a perfect world, what would a Council accomplish or improve?"
That's a great question! I am not looking to create a government that would rule Steemit, just a way for us, smaller guys, to be heard or at least feel heard? :)
What's stopping us? not much, but we need to get heard by HQ or else is just the same old same old..